The equilibrium equations and boundary conditions of elastic Kirchhoff rods are presented
within the theoretical framework of the simplified strain gradient theory. The newly
developed Cosserat rod model contains only one intrinsic material length squared parameter
to account for the effects of microstructures. Applications of the theory are also presented
in this paper. Examples include the equilibrium analysis of a microspring and the buckling
behavior of a microcolumn. The first application focuses on estimating the restoring force
of a microspring that is deformed from an originally straight rod with uniform cross-sectional
area. Semianalytical results show that the restoring force of the microspring predicted
by the new strain gradient rod model is always larger than that of its classical counterpart.
The restoring force is found to increase with both the intrinsic material length squared
parameter and the rod radius. For the stability analysis of a microcolumn, an analytical
expression is derived for the critical buckling load. It is found that the critical force predicted
by the developed nonclassical Kirchhoff rod model depends linearly on the intrinsic material
length squared parameter, quantitatively indicating the significance of strain gradient effects.
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