A frictional receding contact problem of a functionally graded (FG) orthotropic layer
/ homogeneous orthotropic interlayer / homogeneous isotropic half plane
system is considered. The FG layer is loaded by a rigid cylindrical punch
with normal and frictional forces. While the lower layer and half plane fully
bonded to each other, receding contact occurs between the upper and lower
layers. It is assumed that the elastic stiffness constants for the FG layer
vary exponentially in the depth direction and the Poisson’s ratios of the
system are constant. The problem is converted into a system of Cauchy type
singular integral equations in which the unknowns are the contact stresses
on the contact areas between the punch and the FG layer, and between
the FG layer and the homogeneous layer. The Gauss–Jacobi quadrature is
used to discretize and collocate the singular integral equations leading to a
system of algebraic equations about unknowns. Thus, the effects of some
parameters such as the friction coefficient, inhomogeneity parameter, indentation
load, punch radius, thickness of the upper layer on the contact areas, and
the contact stresses, are presented by the results of parametric analysis.
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