Update: Thanks to our subscribers, all 2025 articles in our five Subscribe to Open journals will be published open access.
We publish scientific and research literature of the highest quality at the lowest sustainable prices, covering mathematics and other selected fields. Our outstanding editorial boards and highly selective peer-review workflows guarantee the impact of the articles we publish.
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Our five S2O journals will publish 2025 in open access NEW
MSP is happy to announce that all 2025 articles in our Subscribe to Open program will be published open access — free to be read by everyone and with no author charges.
These journals are:
- Geometry & Topology,
- Algebraic & Geometric Topology,
- Algebra & Number Theory,
- Analysis & PDE, and
- Pacific Journal of Mathematics.
This is made possible thanks to subscription support from the mathematical community. We look forward to continued community participation and support in the years to come.
New Journals
Essential Number Theory NEW

The aim of Essential Number Theory is to publish articles of excellent utility and clarity, in all areas of number theory. The utility and clarity standards for publication are these:
- is the paper about a topic of widely regarded importance in number theory?
- does the paper explain aspects of this topic that are not currently explained in the literature?
- is the paper accessible to a large audience of number theorists, including graduate students?
- will researchers widely read and use this article?
Articles of varying lengths are considered, typically ranging from 5 to 60 pages, depending on the length that most usefully serves the topic at hand.
Essential Number Theory will be published free to access and read through the end of 2024, and by subscription afterwards.
Editorial board
For authors: article submission form
Model Theory NEW

Model Theory is the first journal dedicated to this mature and dynamic subject, and aims to be its leading voice. The journal welcomes submissions of original work in pure and applied model theory, as well as in other areas with which there is significant and current interaction. It publishes papers of very high quality aimed at a broad model-theoretic readership.
Model Theory will be published free to access and read through the end of 2024, and by subscription afterwards.
Editorial board
For authors: article submission form
Orbita Mathematicae NEW

Orbita Mathematicae is the new journal of the Unión Matemática de América Latina y el Caribe (UMALCA).
Orbita in Classical Latin originally meant, “the track left by a wheel or a way well-worn by one's ancestors”. The Renaissance brought another meaning to this word: “the path of a celestial body when it revolves around another body due to their mutual gravitational attraction”. Finally, modern times added yet another meaning to the Latin Orbita: “the sphere of influence”. The title of the journal reflects the historical evolution of mathematics. All sciences are understood, nowadays, to belong to the Orbita Mathematicae.
The journal Orbita Mathematicae publishes original research articles of the highest level and aims to position itself among the most prestigious international mathematics journals.
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For authors: article submission form
Recent Journals
Algebraic Statistics

Algebraic Statistics is an international journal devoted to algebraic aspects of statistical theory, methodology and applications. AStat seeks to publish a wide range of research and review papers that address one of the following:
- algebraic, geometric and combinatorial insights into statistical models or the behaviour of statistical procedures;
- development of new statistical models and methods with interesting algebraic or geometric properties;
- novel applications of algebraic and geometric methods in statistics.
The first AStat articles were published 2020. Contact us or send us an email if interested in subscribing.
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Probability and Mathematical Physics

The mission of Probability and Mathematical Physics is the advancement of mathematics and physics. It aims to be a leading specialist journal in mathematical physics and probability, with particular emphasis on the interface between these disciplines. The policies of PMP are set by the editorial board and it is run with the interests of the scientific community in mind.
Probability and Mathematical Physics publishes research of the highest quality, originality and importance. It welcomes submissions of research articles in mathematical physics (broadly interpreted) and in the topics of probability connected to physics. High-quality and timely survey or expository articles will also be published.
The first PMP articles were published 2020. Over the following years, PMP hopes to grow and eventually reach 4,000 pages of top-level research. Contact us or send us an email if interested in subscribing.
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Established Journals
Algebra & Number Theory S2O

ANT’s broad definition of algebra and number theory allows it to print high-quality research covering a wide range of subtopics, including algebraic and arithmetic geometry. ANT publishes high-quality articles of interest to a broad readership, at a level surpassing all but the top four or five mathematics journals.
Subscribe to Open: Beginning with 2023, ANT is adopting the Subscribe to Open model: each year, if enough subscribers continue to support the journal, that year’s articles will be published open access — free to read by everyone and with no author charges. The Subscribe to Open model is further explained here. We’re excited to have found an equitable open-access model that makes sense for mathematics.
Update: Thanks to our subscribers, all 2025 articles in ANT will be published open access.
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For authors: article submission form
Algebraic & Geometric Topology S2O

AGT publishes papers in all areas of algebraic and geometric topology. Founded in 2001, AGT is now a prominent journal in its field, its high standards and rigorous editorial process attracting an ever-increasing number of excellent submissions. AGT has an impact factor regularly placing in the top third of all journals.
Subscribe to Open: Beginning with 2023, AGT is adopting the Subscribe to Open model: each year, if enough subscribers continue to support the journal, that year’s articles will be published open access — free to read by everyone and with no author charges. The Subscribe to Open model is further explained here. We’re excited to have found an equitable open-access model that makes sense for mathematics.
Update: Thanks to our subscribers, all 2025 articles in AGT will be published open access.
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For authors: article submission form
Analysis & PDE S2O

APDE aims to be the leading specialized scholarly publication in mathematical analysis. The full editorial board votes on all articles, accounting for the journal’s exceptionally high standard and ensuring its broad profile.
Subscribe to Open: Beginning with 2023, APDE is adopting the Subscribe to Open model: each year, if enough subscribers continue to support the journal, that year’s articles will be published open access — free to read by everyone and with no author charges. The Subscribe to Open model is further explained here. We’re excited to have found an equitable open-access model that makes sense for mathematics.
Update: Thanks to our subscribers, all 2025 articles in APDE will be published open access.
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For authors: article submission form
Annals of K-Theory

The Annals of K-Theory welcomes excellent research papers in all areas of K-theory in its many forms. These may include either fundamental developments in the core techniques and ideas, or else applications to other subjects.
The Annals of K-Theory has been established to serve as the premier journal in K-theory and associated areas of mathematics. These include areas of algebraic geometry, homological algebra, category theory, geometry, functional analysis, and algebraic topology, encompassing such topics as cyclic homology, motivic homotopy theory, KK-theory, index theory, and more. The journal welcomes strong submissions in all areas in which K-theory concepts or methodology play a role.
AKT is led by a prestigious editorial board, mainly former members of the board of the Journal of K-Theory. It is published by MSP and owned by the K-Theory Foundation, whose projects include prizes for young mathematicians and sponsorship of scientific conferences and summer schools.
The K-Theory Foundation acknowledges the precious support of Foundation Compositio Mathematica, whose help has been instrumental in the launch of the Annals of K-Theory.
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Combinatorics and Number Theory
formely the Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory

Combinatorics and Number Theory was formerly called the Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory. It was published at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology starting in 2011, was adopted by MSP in 2018 at the request of the editors, and changed its name in 2024. CNT publishes high-quality research articles from a broad range of interests within combinatorics, number theory and allied areas.
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Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science

CAMCoS accepts innovative papers in all areas where mathematics and applications interact. In particular, the journal welcomes papers where an idea is followed from beginning to end — from an abstract beginning to a piece of software, or from a computational observation to a mathematical theory.
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Geometry & Topology S2O

Published since 1997, GT is the leading journal in its field, publishing more of the best papers in geometry and topology than any other journal. GT ensures high quality by requiring that three board editors stand personally behind every accepted paper, the proposer and two seconders.
Subscribe to Open: Beginning with 2023, GT is adopting the Subscribe to Open model: each year, if enough subscribers continue to support the journal, that year’s articles will be published open access — free to read by everyone and with no author charges. The Subscribe to Open model is further explained here. We’re excited to have found an equitable open-access model that makes sense for mathematics.
Update: Thanks to our subscribers, all 2025 articles in GT will be published open access.
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Innovations in Incidence Geometry — Algebraic, Topological and Combinatorial

Innovations in Incidence Geometry — Algebraic, Topological and Combinatorial publishes carefully selected and peer-reviewed original research papers of the highest quality about all aspects of incidence geometry and its applications. These include
- finite and combinatorial geometry,
- rank-2 geometries,
- geometry of groups,
- Tits-buildings and diagram geometries,
- incidence geometric aspects of algebraic geometry,
- incidence geometric aspects of algebraic combinatorics,
- computational aspects,
- arrangements of hyperplanes,
- abstract polytopes and convex polytopes,
- tropical and F1 geometry,
- Coxeter groups and root systems,
- topological geometry,
- applications of incidence geometry (including coding theory, cryptography, quantum information theory).
Innovations in Incidence Geometry was formerly published (without the subtitle) at Ghent University starting in 2005, and was adopted by MSP in 2018 at the request of the editors.
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Involve, a Journal of Mathematics
Involve your students in research

Involve showcases and encourages high-quality mathematical research involving students from all academic levels. The editorial board consists of mathematical scientists committed to nurturing student participation in research.
Submissions in all mathematical areas are encouraged. All manuscripts accepted for publication in Involve are considered publishable in quality journals in their respective fields, and include a minimum of one-third student authorship. Submissions should include substantial faculty input; faculty co-authorship is required.
Bridging the gap between the extremes of purely undergraduate-research journals and mainstream research journals, Involve provides a venue to mathematicians wishing to encourage the creative involvement of students. Involve is a great resource for inspiring mathematical exploration in a new generation, and an opportunity for students who are serious about their research.
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Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures

JoMMS publishes innovative research in the mechanics of materials and deformable structures, a field that is experiencing considerable growth in new directions. JoMMS covers the development of new technologies, which require multidisciplinary simulation and draw from all areas of engineering, materials, and biology.
Founded by Charles R. Steele and Marie-Louise Steele, JoMMS has had in mind from the beginning the needs of the academic and engineering communities it serves. Thorough refereeing ensures high standards, and skilled editing after acceptance helps communication by non-native English speakers — a service that most publishers have discontinued. There are no page charges and no charges for color figures or supplementary materials, such as included animations or data sets.
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Journal of Software for Algebra and Geometry OA

JSAG is an electronic-only journal devoted to software related to research in algebra and geometry. Each short article is accompanied by the appropriate source code. The aim is to promote the development of good code and free software for the mathematical research community. Based on peer-review reports and technical reports, the articles are accepted or rejected by the editorial board through a process of online discussion and consensus. JSAG is a Diamond OA journal (free to read, free to publish), first published in 2009 and first produced by MSP in 2014.
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Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems

MEMOCS is a young, high-level interdisciplinary journal founded in 2012 as a diamond open-access journal, to serve the international scientific community. It is sponsored by the International Research Center for Mathematics & Mechanics of Complex Systems (M&MoCS) at the University of L’Aquila in Italy. To allow essential growth, starting in 2021 MEMOCS became a subscription journal with select diamond open-access articles.
MEMOCS publishes articles from diverse scientific fields with a specific emphasis on mechanics. Articles must rely on the application or development of rigorous mathematical methods. The journal intends to foster a multidisciplinary approach to knowledge firmly based on mathematical foundations. It serves as a forum where scientists from different disciplines meet to share a common, rational vision of science and technology. It supports and divulges research whose primary goal is to develop mathematical methods and tools for the study of complexity.
The journal also fosters and publishes original research in related areas of mathematics of proven applicability, such as variational methods, numerical methods, and optimization techniques. Besides their intrinsic interest, such treatments can become heuristic and epistemological tools for further investigations, and provide methods for deriving predictions from postulated theories. Papers focusing on and clarifying aspects of the history of mathematics and science are also welcome. All methodologies and points of view, if rigorously applied, will be considered.
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Pacific Journal of Mathematics S2O

The Pacific Journal of Mathematics has published mathematics research since 1951. PJM is run by mathematicians from the Pacific Rim. PJM aims to publish high-quality articles in all branches of mathematics, at low cost to libraries and individuals. The Pacific Journal of Mathematics is incorporated as a 501(c)(3) California nonprofit.
Subscribe to Open: Beginning with 2023, PJM is adopting the Subscribe to Open model: each year, if enough subscribers continue to support the journal, that year’s articles will be published open access — free to read by everyone and with no author charges. The Subscribe to Open model is further explained here. We’re excited to have found an equitable open-access model that makes sense for mathematics.
Update: Thanks to our subscribers, all 2025 articles in PJM will be published open access.
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Pure and Applied Analysis

Pure and Applied Analysis is a new journal with an exceptionally strong editorial board headed by Maciej Zworski (University of California at Berkeley) and Charles Epstein (University of Pennsylvania). It is devoted to original research at the interface of mathematical modeling, scientific computation, numerical methods and harmonic/functional analysis, partial differential equations and related subjects.
The first PAA articles were published in November 2018 (with a 2019 cover date). Contact us or send us an email if interested in subscribing.
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Tunisian Journal of Mathematics

The Tunisian Journal of Mathematics is an international publication organized by the Tunisian Mathematical Society and published in electronic and print formats by MSP in Berkeley. It is attracting excellent papers in all areas of mathematics, thanks to its first-rate international editorial board. Articles are selected based on outstanding quality and interest, and according to the highest standards.
Since its founding in 1992, the Tunisian Mathematical Society has been a key stimulus for high-level mathematics research in Tunisia and the surrounding region. The creation of TJM mirrors the Society's integration in, and support by, the international mathematics community. As the journal's publisher, MSP will help contribute to the Society's mission of fostering scientific activity on the African continent.
The TJM editorial board invites mathematicians from all over the world to take part in this stimulating project by submitting high-level research articles.
The first TJM articles were published in 2018 (with a 2019 cover date). Contact us or send us an email if interested in subscribing.