Babenko, Yuliya
Challenges in promoting undergraduate research in the mathematical sciences
Babinkostova, Liljana
Strongly Non-zero Points and Elliptic Pseudoprimes
Bachini, Elena
Existence of positive solutions for an approximation of stationary mean-field games
Bachman, Dale
Irreducible divisor graphs for numerical monoids
Bae, Chang-Hee
Decline of pollinators and attractiveness of the plants
Baeth, Nicholas
Atoms of the relative block monoid
Irreducible divisor graphs for numerical monoids
Irreducible divisor simplicial complexes
Nonunique factorization over quotients of PIDs
Bagchi Misra, Arundhati
Total variation based denoising methods for speckle noise images
Baginski, Paul
On the asymptotic behavior of unions of sets of lengths in atomic monoids
Bahls, Charles
Gracefulness of families of spiders
Ordering BS(1,3) using the Magnus transformation
Bailey, Ryan
Stick numbers in the simple hexagonal lattice
Bajnok, Béla
On perfect bases in finite Abelian groups
Baker, Myles
On the consistency of finite difference approximations of the Black-Scholes equation on nonuniform grids
Baker, Zachery
What is odd about binary Parseval frames?
Balaich, Micki
A generalization of even and odd functions
Balaji, Vajresh
Sets in $\mathbb{R}^d$ determining $k$ taxicab distances
Balaji, Vishal
The pigeonhole principle and multicolor Ramsey numbers
Balasubramanian, Akshaj
New ordering methods to construct contagious sets and degenerate subgraphs
Ball, Sarah
An application of Google's PageRank to {NFL} rankings
Ball, Tyler
Some combinatorics from Zeckendorf representations
Ballard, Grey
Qualitative behaviour and computation of multiple solutions of singular nonlinear Boundary Value Problems
Ballard, Laura
Lights out for graphs related to one another by constructions
Balusek, Curtis
A mathematical model of biocontrol of invasive aquatic weeds
Banaian, Esther
A generalization of Eulerian numbers via rook placements
Banerjee, Deveena
Higher dimensional origami constructions
Banjade, Debendra
Characterization of sets $K$ for which $H^{\infty}_K(\mathbb{D})$ is an algebra
Banks, Tim
Sums of quaternion squares and a theorem of Watson
Bannon, Jon
A Note on Moments in Finite von Neumann Algebras
A note on non-residually solvable hyperlinear one-relator groups
Bansil, Mohit
Spectra of Kohn Laplacians on spheres
Barajas, Carlos
Linkages of calcium induced calcium release in a cardiomyocyte simulated by a system of seven coupled partial differential equations
Barchini, Leticia
Equivalence classes of GL(p)\timesGL(q) orbits in the flag variety of gl(p+q, C)
Barczy, Mátyás
A note on asymptotic behavior of critical Galton-Watson processes with immigration
Bari, Kashif
The Hamiltonian problem and $t$-path traceable graphs
Barnes, Julia
Critical points of iterates of quadratic functions
Barnes, Mike
Irreducible Character Restrictions to Maximal Subgroups Of Low-Rank Classical Groups of Type B and C
Barsotti, Jamison
Graphs on 21 edges that are not 2-apex
Barton, Ke'Yona
Modeling of breast cancer through evolutionary game theory
Basile, Mariateresa
Some investigations on a class of nonlinear integrodifferential equations on the half-line
Batakci, Levent
Comparing embedded graphs using average branching distance
Bate, Brandon
Algorithms for classifying points in a 2-adic Mandelbrot set
Batts, Laura
Extensions of Rolle's theorem
Baudoin, Fabrice
The financial value of knowing the distribution of stock prices in discrete market models
Bauer, Christa
Paths and circuits in G-graphs
Baxley, John
Qualitative behaviour and computation of multiple solutions of singular nonlinear Boundary Value Problems
Bayegan, Darius
A Giambelli formula for the S^1-equivariant cohomology of Peterson varieties
Bazier-Matte, Véronique
Number of triangulations of a Möbius strip
Beale, James
A novel regularization for higher accuracy in the solution of 3D Stokes flow
Beanland, Kevin
Time stopping for Tsirelson's norm
Beaudouin-Lafon, Matthew
Labeling crossed prisms with a condition at distance two
Pairwise compatibility graphs: complete characterization for wheels
Beck, Matthias
The chromatic polynomials of signed Petersen graphs
Beck, Thomas
The isoperimetric inequality for convex subsets of the sphere
Beckett, Sadie
Zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) distribution: parameter estimation and applications to model data from natural calamities
Bedell, Mariel
Global sensitivity analysis in a mathematical model of the renal insterstitium
Beeler, Robert
Fool's solitaire on graphs
Peg solitaire on graphs with jumping and merging allowed
Beer, Melissa
Universal Grobner bases of toric ideals of combinatorial neural codes
Beers, David
Split Grothendieck rings of rooted trees and skew shapes via monoid representations
Beier, Julie
A not-so-simple Lie bracket expansion
Bell, Gregory
An exploration of Nathanson's $g$-adic representations of integers
Weighted persistent homology
Bell, Jocelyn
Bellah, Elisa
A probabilistic heuristic for counting components of functional graphs of polynomials over finite fields
Bellovin, Rebecca
An asymptotic for the representation of integers as sums of triangular numbers
Benali, Julian
Cohen-Macaulay test ideals over rings of finite and countable Cohen-Macaulay type
Benedetti Velásquez, Carolina
Generalized lattice point visibility in $\mathbb{N}^k$
Benedetto, John
Geometric properties of Shapiro-Rudin polynomials
Benedetto, Robert
Computing points of small height for cubic polynomials
Benham, Heidi
New normal forms for degree three polynomials and rational functions
Benitez Andrade, Miguel
Realizing convex codes with axis-parallel boxes
Benkowski, Krystin
The Genus Level of a Group
Bennett, Olivia
The multiplicity of solutions for a system of second order differential equations
Bennett, Stephen
On distances and self-dual codes over F_q[u]/(u^t)
Benson-Lender, Luanne
Zero-divisor ideals and realizable zero-divisor graphs
Benson-Tilsen, Noam
Total difference labeling of regular infinite graphs
Beres, Steven
A classification of Klein links as torus links
Klein links and related torus links
Berg, Hugo
Realizing Artin-Schreier covers with minimal a-numbers in positive characteristic
Bergelson, Vitaly
Discordant sets and ergodic Ramsey theory
Bergner, Julia
Action graphs, rooted planar forests, and self-convolutions of the Catalan numbers
Berliner, Adam
Path cover number, maximum nullity, and zero forcing number of oriented graphs and other simple digraphs
Sign pattern matrices that allow inertia $\mathbb{S}_{n}$
Berman, Abraham
A contribution to the connections between Fibonacci numbers and matrix theory
Polynomial Values in Fibonacci Sequences
Bernardini de Souza, Matheus
A generalization of a theorem about gapsets with depth at most three
Bero, Daniel
A permutation test for three-dimensional rotation data
Berry, Cameron
Hexatonic systems and dual groups in mathematical music theory
Berry, John
The isoperimetric problem in the plane with the sum of two Gaussian densities
Berry, Kileen
Factor posets of frames and dual frames in finite dimensions
Berson, Connor
On perfect bases in finite Abelian groups
Besson, Marc
The classification of involutions and symmetric spaces of modular groups
Bettis, Courtney
Superlinear convergence via mixed generalized quasilinearization method and generalized monotone method
Bezdány, Dániel
A note on asymptotic behavior of critical Galton-Watson processes with immigration
Beznosova, Oleksandra
Mutual estimates for the dyadic Reverse H\"{o}lder and Muckenhoupt constants for the dyadically doubling weights.
Bharathram, Vasudha
On the Burau representation of $B_4$
Bi, Baoyue
Knight's tours on boards with odd dimensions
Bianconi, Ryan
On proofs of certain combinatorial identities
Bibby, Christin
Minimal flag triangulations of lower-dimensional manifolds
Biebighauser, Daniel
The firefighter problem for regular infinite directed grids
Bielawa, Caden
Descents and des-Wilf equivalence of permutations avoiding certain non-classical patterns
Bienz, Amanda
Bildhauser, Kristen
Divisor concepts for mosaics of integers
Binegar, Skye
An elliptic curve analogue to the Fermat numbers
Bingham, Melissa
A median estimator for three-dimensional rotation data
A permutation test for three-dimensional rotation data
Bootstrap Techniques for Measures of Center for Three-Dimensional Rotation Data
Birindiba, Pedro
When winning sets have full dimension
Birman, Joan
On the Burau representation of $B_4$
Bishop, Abigail
Zero-divisor ideals and realizable zero-divisor graphs
Bishop, Berkeley
Arranging kings k-dependently on hexagonal chessboards
Bisogno, Dean
The Supersingularity of Hurwitz Curves
Bittner, Daniel
New approximations for the area of the Mandelbrot
Bixby, Eliot
Proving the pressing game conjecture on linear graphs
Blacker, Casey
Logarithmic spirals on surfaces of constant Gaussian curvature
Blackwood, Jacob
Loxodromes on hypersurfaces of revolution
Blake, Brianna
Rank numbers of graphs that are combinations of paths and cycles
Bland, Robert
Shotgun identification on groups
Bloome, Lane
An exploration of ideal-divisor graphs
Blucher, Aurora
Mathematical modeling of integrin dynamics in initial formation of focal adhesions
Bob-Egbe, Bolanle
Computing Corresponding Values of the Neumann and Dirichlet Boundary Values for Incompressible Stokes Flow
Bobb, Martin
Presentations of Roger and Yang's Kauffman bracket arc algebras
Bodmann, Bernhard
Binary frames, graphs and erasures
Frame theory for binary vector spaces
On the minimum of the mean-squared error in 2-means clustering
What is odd about binary Parseval frames?
Boese, Sarah
Stability and asymptotic analysis of the Follmer-Schweizer decomposition on a finite probability space
Bolat, Madina
Convex geometries representable by at most 5 circles on the plane
Bolt, Michael
The most general planar transformations that map parabolas into parabolas
Visual representation of the Riemann map and Ahlfors map via the Kerzman-Stein equation
Bones, Lela
Conjecture O holds for some horospherical varieties of Picard rank 1
Bonini, Vincent
Condensed Ricci curvature of complete and strongly regular graphs
Booher, Jeremy
Realizing Artin-Schreier covers with minimal a-numbers in positive characteristic
Bora, Safal
An algebraic-coding equivalence to the maximum distance separable conjecture
Boranda, Bianca
The surgery unknotting number of Legendrian links
Borchert, Michael
An extention of Young's segregation game
Borden, Cheryl
Seriation algorithms for determining the evolution of \it{The Star Husband Tale}
Böröczky, Károly
A note on triangulations of sumsets
Borovikova, Marina
One-point, hyperbolic-type metrics
Boseman, Adam
On the zeros of $\zeta(s)-c$
Bosko-Dunbar, Lindsey
Jacobson's Refinement of Engel's Theorem for Leibniz Algebras
Bouey, Colleen
A new series for $\pi$ via polynomial approximations to arctangent
Bourquin, Antoine
The Chabauty space of $\mathbb{Q}_p^\times$
Bowen, Jennifer
Braid computations for the crossing number of Klein links
Bowers, Kristen
A mathematical model of biocontrol of invasive aquatic weeds
Bowers, Peter
Numerical results on existence and stability of steady state solutions for the reaction-diffusion and Klein--Gordon equations
Boyadzhiev, Khristo
On a series of Ramanujan, dilogarithm values, and solitons
Boyadzhiyska, Simona
A simple proof characterizing interval orders with interval lengths between 1 and k
Boyer, Wanda
Integer solutions to x^2 + y^2 = z^2 - k for a fixed integer value k
Boyer, Wyatt
Double bubbles in hyperbolic surfaces
Optimal Transportation with Constant Constraint
Bozeman, Chassidy
On the tree cover number of a graph
Bradley, Tai-Danae
On the distribution of the greatest common divisor of Gaussian integers
Branson, Abigail
Comparing embedded graphs using average branching distance
Brantner, James
Contributions to Seymour's Second Neighborhood Conjecture
Branum, Samantha
What is odd about binary Parseval frames?
Braudrick, Sarah
How false is Kempe's proof of the Four Color Theorem? (Part II)
Braun, Tori
Factorizations of surjective maps of connected quandles
Bravo, Miguel
One-point, hyperbolic-type metrics
Brazas, Jeremy
A countable space with an uncountable fundamental group
Brennan, Catherine
Numerical existence and stability of solutions to the distributed spruce budworm model
Brenner, Hazel
Characterizing optimal point sets determining one distinct triangle
Breunig, Michael
Properties of RNA secondary structure matching models
Breytenbach, Jean
On the $\varepsilon$-ascent chromatic index of complete graphs
Bridges, Tabes
Free and very free morphisms into a Fermat hypersurface
Bright, Amanda
Tiling annular regions with skew and T-tetrominoes
Bright, Martin
Failure of strong approximation on an affine cone
Brix, Kevin
On strong shift equivalence for row-finite graphs and C*-algebras
Brixey, Milena
Uniform subsequential estimates on weakly null sequences
Brock, Samuel
Total difference labeling of regular infinite graphs
Brock, Skylyn
The financial value of knowing the distribution of stock prices in discrete market models
Brockman, Greg
Contributions to Seymour's Second Neighborhood Conjecture
Brooke, Corey
Associated Primes of H-wheels
Brooker, Samantha
Quantum metrics from traces on full matrix algebras
Brooksbank, Peter
On groups with a class-preserving outer automorphism
Broom, Mark
Analysing territorial models on graphs
Broudy, Isaac
Arithmetic properties of Schur-type overpartitions
Brower, Cole
Applying iterated mapping to the no-three-in-a-line problem
Brown, Amanda
A simple agent-based model of malaria transmission investigating intervention methods and acquired immunity
Brown, Bryan
Double bubbles in hyperbolic surfaces
Optimal Transportation with Constant Constraint
Brown, Cora
Path cover number, maximum nullity, and zero forcing number of oriented graphs and other simple digraphs
Brown, Garrett
Spectra of Kohn Laplacians on spheres
Brown, Lindsey
Periodic Neural Codes and Sound Localization in Barn Owls
Brown, Madelyne
Spectrum of the Kohn Laplacian on the Rossi sphere
Brown, Shala
Superlinear convergence via mixed generalized quasilinearization method and generalized monotone method
Browning, Timothy
Local solubility for a family of quadrics over a split quadric surface
Brumley, Daniel
The multiplicity of solutions for a system of second order differential equations
Bruni, Marie
Analysing territorial models on graphs
Bruno, Adriano
Brush, Erin
On the Chermak-Delgado lattices of split metacyclic p-groups
Bucaj, Valmir
Embeddedness for singly periodic Scherk surfaces with higher dihedral symmetry
Budden, Mark
Rational residuacity of primes
The lifting of graphs to 3-uniform hypergraphs and some applications to hypergraph Ramsey theory
Budge, Erica
Lights out for graphs related to one another by constructions
Buenger, Carl
Coexistence of stable ECM solutions in the Lang-Kobayashi system
Bueno Cachadina, Maria Isabel
Distribution of the exponents of primitive circulant matrices in the first four boxes of Z_n
Linear maps preserving the Lorentz spectrum of $\mathbf{3 \times 3}$ matrices
The kernel of the matrix i\cdot j mod n when n is prime
Buford, Glenna
Investigating cholera using an SIR model with age-class structure and optimal control
Buhl, Geoffrey
Matrix Completions for Linear Matrix Equations
Bulai, Lavinia
Unlinking Numbers of Links with Crossing Number 10
Bullock, Micah
What is odd about binary Parseval frames?
Bumrungsup, Chinnaphong
Curvature measures for nonlinear regression models using continuous designs with applications to optimal experimental design
Bunton, Andre
Nonreal zero decreasing operators related to orthogonal polynomials
Burek, Mark
An extention of Young's segregation game
Burgers, Ana
Analysis of a Sudoku variation using partially ordered sets and equivalence relations
Burke, Matthew
Convex and subharmonic functions on graphs
Burkhart, Madeleine
Enumerating spherical n-links
Nilpotent orbits for Borel subgroups of $SO_{5}(k)$
Symplectic embeddings of 4-dimensional ellipsoids into polydiscs
Burnett, Shelby
Symmetric numerical ranges of four by four matrices
Burns, Brandon
Nonunique factorization over quotients of PIDs
Burns, Brittany
Splitting techniques and Betti numbers of secant powers
Busching, William
Fair pricing and hedging under small perturbations of the numéraire on a finite probability space
Bush, Michael
Period sets of linear recurrences over finite fields and related commutative rings
Bush, Michael
Braid computations for the crossing number of Klein links
Butler, Steven
A generalization of Eulerian numbers via rook placements
Graphs with at most two trees in a forest building process
Knight's tours on boards with odd dimensions
Spectral properties of the exponential distance matrix
Butts, Ashley
Forbidden subgraphs of coloring graphs
Buzzard, Adam
The $k$-diameter component edge connectivity parameter
Byer, Nicole
Numerical results on existence and stability of steady state solutions for the reaction-diffusion and Klein--Gordon equations
Byrne, Isabel
Failed power domination in grids, cylinders, and tori