Volume 18 Number 2
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Recent Issues

Volume 18
Issue 2, 181–385
Issue 1, 1–180

Volume 17, 5 issues

Volume 16, 5 issues

Volume 15, 5 issues

Volume 14, 5 issues

Volume 13, 5 issues

Volume 12, 8 issues

Volume 11, 5 issues

Volume 10, 5 issues

Volume 9, 5 issues

Volume 8, 5 issues

Volume 7, 6 issues

Volume 6, 4 issues

Volume 5, 4 issues

Volume 4, 4 issues

Volume 3, 4 issues

Volume 2, 5 issues

Volume 1, 2 issues

The Journal
About the journal
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Editors' interests
ISSN 1944-4184 (online)
ISSN 1944-4176 (print)
Author index
To appear
Other MSP journals

Colin Adams
Knot theory and its applications, low-dimensional topology, especially
hyperbolic 3-manifolds, applications of topology

Arthur T. Benjamin
Combinatorics, game theory, Fibonacci numbers
Kenneth S. Berenhaut
Applied probability; convergence rates; mathematical inequalities; difference equations;
statistical methodology; matrix inequalities; analytic, probabilistic and combinatorial
number theory; discrete structures

Martin Bohner
Differential equations, difference equations, dynamic equations on time scales,
eigenvalue problems, boundary value problems, oscillation, Hamiltonian systems,
Sturm–Liouville equations, dynamical systems, mathematical biology,
mathematical economics, inequalities, functional equations, control theory,
quantum calculus.

Amarjit S. Budhiraja
Nonlinear filtering, stochastic control theory, stochastic networks, large deviations,
stochastic analysis

Scott Chapman
Commutative algebra, finite abelian groups, combinatorics, number theory
Joshua N. Cooper
Quasirandomness, spectral (hyper)graph theory, discrete geometry, universal cycles,
combinatorial number theory, coding theory, extremal permutations, and
permutation patterns

Michael Dorff
Complex analysis, minimal surfaces, geometry
Sever S. Dragomir
Classical mathematical analysis, convex functions, best approximations,
numerical integration, geometry of Banach spaces, operator theory,
variational methods, Volterra integral equations, qualitative theory of
differential equations, theory and coding, guessing theory,
adaptive quadrature rules, adaptive cubature rules, numerical methods for
differential equations, numerical methods for PDE's, game theory,
Kolmogorov complex.

Joel Foisy
Knot theory, Graph theory, Spatially embedded graphs
Stephan R. Garcia
Operator theory, spaces of analytic functions.
Anant Godbole
Discrete probability, combinatorics, graph theory, additive number theory,
probabilistic methods in combinatorics and number theory.

Ron Gould
Extremal graph theory, Hamiltonian theory, paths and cycles, matchings,
graph decompositions

Sat Gupta
Sampling designs, time series forecasting, biostatistics
Jim Haglund
Algebraic and enumerative combinatorics
Glenn H. Hurlbert
Graph theory, graph pebbling, combinatorics, universal cycles,
extremal set theory, partially ordered sets, linear optimization,
combinatorial optimization

Michael Jablonski
Homogeneous Einstein manifolds and Ricci solitons, geometry of nilpotent
and solvable Lie groups, representations of Lie and algebraic groups,
geometric invariant theory and applications to the geometry of Lie groups

David Larson
Operator algebras, operator theory, applied harmonic analysis, wavelet theory,
frame theory, matrix analysis

Suzanne Lenhart
Partial differential equations, optimal control, population and environmental models,
natural resource modeling, disease models

Chi-Kwong Li
Matrix theory, operator theory, combinatorial theory, mathematical education
Robert B. Lund
Markov chains, statistical climatology, time series
Gaven J. Martin
Geometric function theory (quasiconformal mappings and non-linear analysis) and
discrete groups and hyperbolic geometry (low-dimensional topology and geometry)

Frank Morgan
Geometry, minimal surfaces, geometric measure theory, calculus of variations
Mohammad Sal Moslehian
Functional equations, structure of normed linear spaces and Hilbert spaces,
Banach algebras and C*-algebras, operator inequalities, homology of Banach algebras.

Ken Ono
Combinatorics and number theory involving elliptic curves, L-functions, modular forms,
Maass forms, and partitions

Vadim Ponomarenko
Additive combinatorics, semigroup theory, commutative algebra,
linear algebra, number theory, matroid theory

Bjorn Poonen
Rational points on varieties, explicit methods, connections between arithmetic
geometry and logic

Józef H. Przytycki
Topology, knot theory, algebraic topology based on knots
Filip Saidak
Analytic number theory, probabilistic number theory, algebraic number theory,
elementary number theory, computational number theory

Ann Trenk
Graph theory, partially ordered sets
Ravi Vakil
Deformation theory, Schubert varieties, geometric invariant theory,
moduli of curves, Gromov–Witten theory,
fundamental groups and universal covers

John C. Wierman
Probability, stochastic processes, statistics, discrete mathematics