Continued fractions and lines across the Stern-Brocot diagram
Heather Abramson, Eric Chesebro, Vivian Cummins, Cory Emlen, Ryan Grady, Kenton Ke
Geodesic nets on flat spheres
Ian Adelstein, Elijah Fromm, Rajiv Nelakanti, Faren Roth, Supriya Weiss
On the Structure of Bad Science Matrices
Alex Albors, Hisham Bhatti, Lukshya Ganjoo, Raymond Guo, Dmitriy Kunisky, Rohan Mukherjee, Alicia Stepin, Tony Zeng
Complementation of subquandles
Kieran Amsberry, August Bergquist, Thomas Horstkamp, Meghan Lee, David Yetter
The zero forcing numbers and propagation times of gear graphs and helm graphs
Sara Anderton, Rilee Burden, McKenzie Fontenot, Noah Fredrickson, Alexandria Kwon, Sydney Le, Kanno Mizozoe, Erin Raign, August Sangalli, Houston Schuerger, Andrew Schwartz
Rainbow connection for complete multipartite graphs
Igor Araujo, Kareem Beniassa, Richard Bi, Sean English, Shengan Wu, Pai Zheng
Intersection games and Bernstein sets
James Atchley, Lior Fishman, Saisneha Ghatti
Spectral distortion and the ring learning with errors problem
Jennifer Kenkel, Lillian McPherson, Janet Page, Daniel Smolkin, Monroe Stephenson, Fuxiang Yang
A generalization of the subdivision of the antimagic trees with at most one vertex of degree-2
Kai-Ning Kuo, Wei-Tian Li, Yi-Tsen Liu
On the order of additive bases in finite abelian groups
Thái Hoàng Lê, Christopher Qiu
The horofunction compactification of l^1-products of metric spaces
Bas Lemmens, Cam Milliken, Kieran Power
The degree/Steiner k-diameter problem for trees
Golven Leroy, Josiah Reiswig
Polynomial irreducibility via shifts
Ron Lycan, Vadim Ponomarenko
Lower rate bounds for Hermitian-Lifted codes in odd prime characteristic
Beth Malmskog, Na'ama Nevo
An algorithm for Egyptian fraction representations with restricted denominators
Greg Martin, Yue Shi
A classification of nonzero skew immaculate functions
Sarah Mason, Tianhao Xie
A proof of the optimal leapfrogging conjecture
Sam K. Miller, Arthur T. Benjamin
Counting edges in factorization graphs of numerical semigroup elements
Mariah Moschetti, Christopher O'Neill
The converse of the Cowling–Obrechkoff–Thron theorem
Devon N. Munger, Pietro Paparella
Ramanujan's congruence primes
Ellise Parnoff, Anantharam Raghuram
On the impossibility of certain $({n^2+n+k}_{n+1})$ configurations
Benjamin Peet, Jackson Philbrook
Cubic knot mosaics
Samantha Pezzimenti, Trevor Meintel, Aaron Shabon
A computational approach to higher Jacobian ideals
Tabitha Ramirez, Hao Shen, Fei Ye
Possible torsion of elliptic curves over cyclic cubic fields of conductor between 1 to 100
G Yuvan Shankar, Rakvi
The Apéry set for numerical semigroups of embedding dimension 4
Neil Steinburg, Brittney Griffith
Groups, conjugation and powers
Markus Szymik, Torstein Vik
Arc length tests for comparing the dynamics between GARCH processes
Ferebee Tunno, Javier Muñoz Ruiz
Hypergraph models for political structures
Ismar Volić, Zixu Wang
Metric lines in the Special Euclidean group on the plane
Yuyang Wang, Sean Ku, Alejandro Bravo-Doddoli
A rhombic planform nonlinear stability analysis of a noncytopathic EIAV-target cell limited interaction-dispersion-chemotaxis quasi-equilibrium model system
David J. Wollkind, Bonni Dichone, Sandra E. Auttelet