Volume 17 Number 2
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Volume 17
Issue 2, 183–362
Issue 1, 1–182

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ISSN (electronic): 1944-4184
ISSN (print): 1944-4176
Author index
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Author Index – C
Caffrey, Ben
Domino tilings of Aztec diamonds, Baxter permutations, and Snow Leopard permutations
Cahn, Patricia
Permutation Notations for the exceptional Weyl Group $F_4$
Cai, Merrick
Covering numbers of upper triangular matrix rings over finite fields
Cairncross, Emily
Classifying toric surface codes of dimension 7
Callahan, Jason
Solving Scramble Squares puzzles with repetitions
Calle, Maxine
Sharp sectional curvature bounds and a new proof of the spectral theorem
Callender, Hannah
Mathematical modeling of integrin dynamics in initial formation of focal adhesions
Undergraduate research as a capstone requirement
Camacho, Jan
Catalan recursion on externally ordered bases of unit interval positroids
Cameron, Naiomi
Shabat polynomials and monodromy groups of trees uniquely determined by ramification type
Camp, Bijan
Binary frames, graphs and erasures
Campbell, Malcolm
On counting limited outdegree grid digraphs and greatest increase grid digraphs
Campos, Daniel
Depths and Stanley depths of path ideals of spines
Camungol, Serina
Avoiding approximate repetitions with respect to the longest common subsequence distance
On the preservation of properties by piecewise affine maps of locally compact groups
Cangelosi, Richard
The behavior of a population interaction-diffusion equation in its subcritical regime
Cannon, Sarah
Embeddedness for singly periodic Scherk surfaces with higher dihedral symmetry
Caprau, Carmen
On a state model for the $\mathrm{SO}(2n)$ Kauffman polynomial
The L-move and Markov theorems for trivalent braids
Three approaches to a bracket polynomial for singular links
Caprio, Michele
Concerning three classes of non-Diophantine arithmetics
Caranguay Mainguez, Jhony
Cardin, Emilee
Spectra of Kohn Laplacians on spheres
Carlson, Joshua
Path cover number, maximum nullity, and zero forcing number of oriented graphs and other simple digraphs
Carrico, Tyler
The probability of randomly generating finite abelian groups
Carroll, Conor
Condensed Ricci curvature of complete and strongly regular graphs
Carroll, Ryan
Extensions of the Euler--Satake characteristic for nonorientable $3$-orbifolds and indistinguishable examples
Cartee, Elliot
Global regularity of chemotaxis equations with advection
Carter, Emily
Intersecting Geodesics and Centrality in Graphs
Case, Joshua
Counting set classes with Burnside's lemma
Cassel, Michael
Lifting representations of finite reductive groups: a character relation
Cassity, Kaitlyn
Castellano-Macías, Felipe
The tunnel number of all 11 and 12 crossing alternating knots
Castillo, Bryan
Comparing embedded graphs using average branching distance
Castillo Gómez, John
Castro, Francis
Generalized exponential sums and the power of computers
Cathey, Brandon
Discrete time optimal control applied to pest control problems
Catlin, Zachary
Patch and crossover planar dyadic wavelet sets
Catral, Minerva
Constructions of potentially eventually positive sign patterns with reducible positive part
On the tree cover number of a graph
Potentially eventually exponentially positive sign patterns
Catrina, Florin
Causey, Ryan
Uniform subsequential estimates on weakly null sequences
Cavalieri, Renzo
Boundary expression for Chern classes of the Hodge bundle on spaces of cyclic covers
Cericola, Christopher
Extending hypothesis testing with persistence homology to three or more groups
Chaiser, Rachel
Some combinatorics from Zeckendorf representations
Chakrabarti, Debraj
Curves of constant curvature and torsion in the 3-sphere
Chakravarty, Sayok
Chamberlin, Katharine
Newly reducible iterates in families of quadratic polynomials
Chamberlin, Samuel
Bases for the global Weyl modules of $\mathfrak{sl}_n$ of highest weight $m\omega_1$
Chambers, Erin
Comparing embedded graphs using average branching distance
The zipper foldings of the diamond
Chandler, Ashley
Symmetric numerical ranges of four by four matrices
Chandler, Richard
Isomorphisms of graded skew Clifford algebras
Chang, Geng-zhe
A type of multiple integral with loggamma function
Chao, Patrick
Different definitions of conic sections in hyperbolic geometry
Chapman, Scott
On the asymptotic behavior of unions of sets of lengths in atomic monoids
On the omega values of generators of embedding dimension-three numerical monoids generated by an interval
Chapouto, Andreia
Existence of positive solutions for an approximation of stationary mean-field games
Chari, Sara
Higher dimensional origami constructions
Chaumont, Hans
Stick numbers in the simple hexagonal lattice
Chavez, Anastasia
Catalan recursion on externally ordered bases of unit interval positroids
Chawla, Sumeet
How false is Kempe's proof of the Four Color Theorem? (Part II)
Chebolu, Sunil
When is a subgroup of a ring an ideal?
Chellamuthu, Vinodh
Superlinear convergence via mixed generalized quasilinearization method and generalized monotone method
Chen, Zijian
Filtering cohomology of ordinary and Lagrangian Grassmannians
Chen, Serena
Labeling crossed prisms with a condition at distance two
Pairwise compatibility graphs: complete characterization for wheels
Chen, Sheng
Connectedness of digraphs from quadratic polynomials
Chen, Shuli
Coincidences among skew stable and dual stable Grothendieck polynomials
Chen, Siji
Connectedness of digraphs from quadratic polynomials
Cheng, Yin Choi
On the distribution of the greatest common divisor of Gaussian integers
Cheong, Long
New approximations for the area of the Mandelbrot
Cherry, William
Some projective distance inequalities for simplices in complex projective space
Chesebro, Eric
Chester, Joshua
On counting limited outdegree grid digraphs and greatest increase grid digraphs
Chhabra, Anu
An optional unrelated question RRT model
Chichester, Alex
Three approaches to a bracket polynomial for singular links
Chikwanda, Patreck
Connectedness of two-sided group digraphs and graphs
Chilakamarri, Kiran
Relations between the conditions of admitting cycles in Boolean and ODE network systems
Chilelli, Alessandro
Gluing of graphs and their Jacobians
Chiriac, Liubomir
The non-vanishing of the trace of T3
Chishti, Rasiel
Filtering cohomology of ordinary and Lagrangian Grassmannians
Chiu, Yu-Cheng
Filtering cohomology of ordinary and Lagrangian Grassmannians
Chmutov, Sergei
A few more trees the chromatic symmetric function can distinguish
Cho, Hye
On some obstructions of flag vector pairs $(f_1, f_{04})$ of $5$-polytopes
Choi, Sun
Realizing Artin-Schreier covers with minimal a-numbers in positive characteristic
Chouliara, Despina
Hitting time of Brownian motion subject to shear flow
Christy, Jacqueline
Distribution of genome rearrangement distance under double cut and join
Chu, Patrick
Three approaches to a bracket polynomial for singular links
Chu, Timothy
Expected conflicts in pairs of rooted binary trees
Expected maximum vertex valence in pairs of polygonal triangulations
Chung, Incheoul
Convergence of random polygon sequences
Chung, Ping Ngai
Perimeter-minimizing pentagonal tilings
Cinar, Selahittin
Mathematical modeling of a surface morphological instability of a thin monocrystal film in a strong electric field
Cintrón-Arias, Ariel
A decade of undergraduate research for all East Tennessee State University mathematics majors
Clanin, Joseph
A necessary and sufficient condition for coincidence with the weak topology
Clark, David
Continuous guessing games with two secret numbers
Clark, Gregory
Tiling annular regions with skew and T-tetrominoes
Clark, Scott
Statistical analysis of diagnostic accuracy with applications to cricket
Clark, Thomas
The number of convex topologies on a finite totally ordered set
Clauson, Mary
Analysis of the steady states of a mathematical model for Chagas disease
Clay, Matthew
Whitehead graphs and separability in rank two
Cleary, Sean
Average reductions between random tree pairs
Expected conflicts in pairs of rooted binary trees
Expected maximum vertex valence in pairs of polygonal triangulations
Clickard, Andrew
Synthetic geometry in hyperbolic simplices
Clifton, Alexander
Coincidences among skew stable and dual stable Grothendieck polynomials
Cloutier, Daniel
Clune, Andrew
How false is Kempe's proof of the Four Color Theorem? (Part II)
Coate, Ben
Cochran, Jill
Domination with decay in triangular matchstick arrangement graphs
Cockburn, Sally
Edge determining sets and determining index
Cokus, Kathryn
Prime labelings of generalized Petersen graphs
Colbert, Emma
Newly reducible iterates in families of quadratic polynomials
Coleman, Matthew
The vibration spectrum of two Euler-Bernoulli beams coupled via a dissipative joint
Collins, Alex
Collins, Alex
Functions of internal distance of trees
Collins, Aubrey
On the classification of Specht modules with one-dimensional summands
Collins, Dan
Congruences for Han's generating function
Collins, Voula
Ordering BS(1,3) using the Magnus transformation
Coloma, Gabriel
The L-move and Markov theorems for trivalent braids
Colter, Lamont
Conant, John
Whitehead graphs and separability in rank two
Contreras, Luis
On the geometric deformations of functions in~$L^2[D]$
Cook, Brendan
On the tree cover number of a graph
Cook, William
Leibniz algebras with low dimensional maximal lie quotients
On the minuscule representation of type $B_n$
Cooke, Anna
Sums of squares in quaternion rings
Coolen, Franciscus
Applying prospect theory to multi-attribute problems with independence assumptions
Cooper, Elizabeth
Spectral properties of the exponential distance matrix
Cooper, Katherine
Zero divisor graphs of commutative graded rings
Coopergard, Ryan
Truncated path algebras and Betti numbers of polynomial growth
Copenhaver, Martin
Factor posets of frames and dual frames in finite dimensions
Coppersmith, Chaya
Coalitions and cliques in the school choice problem
Corona, Isabel
A new look at Apollonian circle packings
Corwin, Ivan
The Gauss-Bonnet Formula on Surfaces with Densities
Coskun, Izzet
Ulrich partitions for two-step flag varieties
Costanzo, David
The cyclic graph (deleted enhanced power graph) of a direct product
Coster, Berend
The financial value of knowing the distribution of stock prices in discrete market models
Cotton, Benjamin
Coufal, Vesta
A classification of Klein links as torus links
Klein links and related torus links
Covey, Joshua
Nonunique factorization over quotients of PIDs
Cox, Christopher
A generalization of Eulerian numbers via rook placements
Cox, David
Cox, Nathanael
Path cover number, maximum nullity, and zero forcing number of oriented graphs and other simple digraphs
Craft, Kyle
Algorithms for classifying points in a 2-adic Mandelbrot set
Craig, Suzanne
Orbit spaces of linear circle actions
Cramer, Kevin
The Isoperimetric constant and Kazhdan constant of a Paley graph
Cranfill, Rachel
Induced trees, minimum semidefinite rank, and zero forcing
Cratty, Charles
Pattern avoidance in double lists
Craver, Ryan
The financial value of knowing the distribution of stock prices in discrete market models
Crepeau, Natasha
On $(t,r)$ broadcast domination of certain grid graphs
Croan, Amanda
Bases for the global Weyl modules of $\mathfrak{sl}_n$ of highest weight $m\omega_1$
Cronk, Elijah
Matrix Completions for Linear Matrix Equations
Crotwell, Charlotte
Factorizations of surjective maps of connected quandles
Crowe, Mary
Optional unrelated-question randomized response models
Crowell, Loran
The monochromatic column problem with a prime number of colors
Cruz, Madelyn
A real-world Markov chain arising in recreational volleyball
Cuchta, Thomas
Some new Gompertz fractional difference equations
Zero-divisor ideals and realizable zero-divisor graphs
Cuff, Victoria
The Weibull distribution and Benford's law
Cui, Tracy
Stability and asymptotic analysis of the Follmer-Schweizer decomposition on a finite probability space
Cummings, Jonathan
On the Independence and Domination Numbers of Replacement Product Graphs
Curto, Carina
Periodic Neural Codes and Sound Localization in Barn Owls
Czabarka, Éva
Erd\H{o}s--Szekeres theorem for cyclic permutations
Czarnecki, Kyle
Arithmetic functions of higher order primes
On the orbits of an orthogonal group action