Volume 17 Number 2
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Volume 17
Issue 2, 183–362
Issue 1, 1–182

Volume 16, 5 issues

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ISSN (electronic): 1944-4184
ISSN (print): 1944-4176
Author index
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Author Index – D
D'Avanzo, Joseph
Zeta(n) via hyperbolic functions
Dai, Yuying
Continuous factorization of the identity matrix
Daisy, Evan
Convex geometries representable by at most 5 circles on the plane
Daly, Kathleen
Orbigraphs: a graph theoretic analog to Riemannian orbifolds
Damelin, Steven
A BMO Theorem for diffeomorphisms on R^D of small distortion an application to piano signature noise and beat
The Truncated and Supplemented Pascal Matrix and Applications
Daneshpajouh, Hamed
An interesting proof of the nonexistence of a continuous bijection between $\mathbb{R}^n$ and $\mathbb{R}^2$ for $n\neq 2$
Daneshpajouh, Hamid
An interesting proof of the nonexistence of a continuous bijection between $\mathbb{R}^n$ and $\mathbb{R}^2$ for $n\neq 2$
Dannenberg, Matthew
The isoperimetric problem in the plane with the sum of two Gaussian densities
Darafsheh, Mohammad Reza
On $\mathbb{G}$-graphs of certain finite groups
Darakchieva, Aglika
The vibration spectrum of two Euler-Bernoulli beams coupled via a dissipative joint
Darcy, Quin
Darmon, Henri
A $p$-adic approach to singular moduli on Shimura curves
Datta, Rankeya
Free and very free morphisms into a Fermat hypersurface
Davey, Aaron
Davies, Samantha
Algorithms for finding knight's tours on aztec diamonds
Davis, Jacqkis
Superlinear convergence via mixed generalized quasilinearization method and generalized monotone method
Davis, Jeffrey
A generalization of Eulerian numbers via rook placements
Davis, Marguerite
The L-move and Markov theorems for trivalent braids
Davis, Matthew
Properties of sets of non-transitive dice with few sides
Davis, Mitchell
The behavior of a population interaction-diffusion equation in its subcritical regime
Davis, Nichole
On the difference between an integer and the sum of its proper divisors
Davis, Robert
Descents and des-Wilf equivalence of permutations avoiding certain non-classical patterns
Universal Grobner bases of toric ideals of combinatorial neural codes
Davis, Tara
Peg solitaire in three colors on graphs
Dawson, Erin
The Supersingularity of Hurwitz Curves
De Lamere, Alexxis
Peg solitaire in three colors on graphs
De Silva, Jessica
Very well-covered graphs with the Erdős-Ko-Rado property
Dean, James
On nonabelian representations of twist knots
DeBenedetto, Justin
Quadratic forms representing all primes
DeBlieck, Derek
Sign pattern matrices that allow inertia $\mathbb{S}_{n}$
Debnath, Joyati
The MAA undergraduate poster session 1991--2013
DeCelles, Amy
On graphs for which every planar projection lifts to a knotted spatial embedding
Decker, Robert
Numerical existence and stability of solutions to the distributed spruce budworm model
Numerical results on existence and stability of steady state solutions for the reaction-diffusion and Klein--Gordon equations
DeFord, Daryl
Seating rearrangements on arbitrary graphs
DeGraaf, Stephanie
Knight's tours on boards with odd dimensions
DeHoet, Courtney
Positive solutions to singular third-order boundary value problems on purely discrete time scales
Del Duca, Laura
RNA, local moves on plane trees, and transpositions on tableaux
DeLong, Matthew
Colorability and determinants of T(m,n,r,s) twisted torus knots for n equiv pm 1 (mod m)
DeLoss, Laura
Minimum rank, maximum nullity and zero forcing number for selected graph families
Delp, Kelly
Two-parameter taxicab trig functions
Demirkaya, Aslihan
Numerical existence and stability of solutions to the distributed spruce budworm model
Numerical results on existence and stability of steady state solutions for the reaction-diffusion and Klein--Gordon equations
Denne, Elizabeth
Ribbonlength of families of folded ribbon knots
Dennis, Melanie
Stick numbers in the simple hexagonal lattice
Depret-Guillaume, James
Characterizing optimal point sets determining one distinct triangle
DeSantis, Derek
On the geometric deformations of functions in~$L^2[D]$
Deveau, Andrew
DeVito, Jason
A series of series topologies on $\mathbb{N}$
Quasi-positive curvature on a biquotient of Sp(3)
DeWitt, Andrea
Diawara, Norou
Linear dependency for the difference in exponential regression
Diaz-Lopez, Alexander
Peak Sets of Classical Coxeter Groups
Dickman, Benjamin
Computing points of small height for cubic polynomials
Diefenderfer, Nathan
Prime vertex labelings of several families of graphs
Dietz, Jill
On the Chermak-Delgado lattices of split metacyclic p-groups
Digilov, Yan
Energy Minimizing Unit Vector Fields
Ding, Wandi
Discrete time optimal control applied to pest control problems
Ding, Wenxuan
Uniformly sparse graphs and matrices
Dinh, Uyen
Condensed Ricci curvature of complete and strongly regular graphs
Dionne, Adam
Very well-covered graphs with the Erdős-Ko-Rado property
Dippold, Brooke
Euclidean and affine curve reconstruction
Dishong, Alex
The Fibonacci sequence under a modulus: computing all moduli that produce a given period
Dix, James
Oscillation of solutions to non-linear first-order delay differential equations
Dix, Julio
Oscillation of solutions to non-linear first-order delay differential equations
Dlugie, Ethan
On uniform large-scale volume growth for the Carnot-Carathéodory metric on unbounded model hypersurfaces in $\mathbb{C}^2$
Dodge, Craig
On the classification of Specht modules with one-dimensional summands
Some nonsimple modules for centralizer algebras of the symmetric group
Specht modules for Partitions (k,3,3) have no one-dimensional summand
Doebel, Elizabeth
Knight's tours on boards with odd dimensions
Doering, Madeline
A characterization of the sets of periods within shifts of finite type
Dogru, Filiz
Outer billiards and tilings of the hyperbolic plane
Dohrmann, Haley
Splitting techniques and Betti numbers of secant powers
Dominick, Randy
An elliptic curve analogue to the Fermat numbers
Donnelly, Robert
Symmetric Fibonaccian distributive lattices and representations of the special linear Lie algebras
Donovan, Rob
An exploration of ideal-divisor graphs
Doran, Christina
New algorithms for modular inversion and representation by the form x2 + 3xy + y2
Dorff, Michael
Embeddedness for singly periodic Scherk surfaces with higher dihedral symmetry
Nonacademic careers, internships, and undergraduate research
Dorff, Rebecca
Proof of the Planar Double Bubble Conjecture using Metacalibration Methods
Dorpalen-Barry, Galen
Filtering cohomology of ordinary and Lagrangian Grassmannians
Dorward, Robert
A generalization of Zeckendorf's theorem via circumscribed m-gons
Dougherty, Steven
Orthogonality from group characters
Doughty, Robert
Arranging kings k-dependently on hexagonal chessboards
Downey, Naiche
Orbit spaces of linear circle actions
Dray, Tevian
Classifying linear operators over the octonions
Dresden, Gregory
Finding cycles in the kth power digraphs over integers modulo a prime
When is $a^{n} + 1$ the sum of two squares?
Drouin, Philippe
Covering numbers and Schlicht functions
Drube, Paul
Drummond, Rachel
How false is Kempe's proof of the Four Color Theorem? (Part II)
Ducharme, Andrew
Dukehart, Adam
Loxodromes on hypersurfaces of revolution
Dukes, Patrick
Commutation Classes of Double Wiring Diagrams
Duncan, Noah
Time stopping for Tsirelson's norm
Dunivin, Jeremiah
Characterization of sets $K$ for which $H^{\infty}_K(\mathbb{D})$ is an algebra
Dunkelberg, Aidan
Very well-covered graphs with the Erdős-Ko-Rado property
Dunkum, Molly
Symmetric Fibonaccian distributive lattices and representations of the special linear Lie algebras
Dunn, Corey
On the faithfulness of the representation of Gl(n) on the space of curvature tensors
Sharp sectional curvature bounds and a new proof of the spectral theorem
Dunster, T. Mark
On the coefficients in an asymptotic expansion of $(1+1/x)^x$
Durst, Rebecca
Benford's Law Beyond Independence: Tracking Benford Behavior in Copula Models
Dustin, Dean
Some combinatorics from Zeckendorf representations
Dutter, Seth
The complement of Fermat curves in the plane
Dyck, Adam
An Erd\H{o}s--Ko--Rado theorem for subset partitions
Dye, Heather
Promoting REU participation from students in underrepresented groups
Dye, Sydney
Condensed Ricci curvature of complete and strongly regular graphs