Volume 18 Number 2
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Volume 18
Issue 2, 181–385
Issue 1, 1–180

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ISSN 1944-4184 (online)
ISSN 1944-4176 (print)
Author index
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Author Index – G
Gadhiwala, Nitya
Elliptic Harnack inequality for ${\mathbb{Z}}^d$
Gaff, Holly
Investigating cholera using an SIR model with age-class structure and optimal control
Galarraga, Alexander
New normal forms for degree three polynomials and rational functions
Galeota-Sprung, Jonah
On counting limited outdegree grid digraphs and greatest increase grid digraphs
Galetto, Federico
Galiffa, Daniel
An elementary approach to characterizing Sheffer A-type 0 orthogonal polynomial sequences
Gallian, Joseph
Groups of units of Zp[x] Modulo f(x)
The MAA undergraduate poster session 1991--2013
Gallot, Yves
The family of ternary cyclotomic polynomials with one free prime
Gangl, Herbert
Homophonic quotients of linguistic free groups: German, Korean, and Turkish
Ganzell, Sanford
Reidemeister moves in Gauss diagrams
Unoriented Links and the Jones Polynomial
Gapinski, Brian
Strong depth and quasi-geodesics in finitely generated groups
Garcia, Aldo
Solutions of boundary value problems at resonance with periodic and antiperiodic boundary conditions
Garcia, Eli
Classifying toric surface codes of dimension 7
Garcia, Jocelyn
A computational solution to the game of cycles
Garcia, Rebecca
Construction and Enumeration of Franklin Circles
REU design: broadening participation and promoting success
Garcia, Xavier
Invariant measures for hybrid stochastic systems
García-Sánchez, Pedro
Homogenization of a nonsymmetric embedding-dimension-three numerical semigroup
When the catenary degree meets the tame degree in embedding dimension three numerical semigroups
Garg, Ayush
Convex geometries representable by at most 5 circles on the plane
Garrett, Kristina
A bijective proof of a $q$-analogue of the sum of cubes using overpartitions
Garton, Derek
A probabilistic heuristic for counting components of functional graphs of polynomials over finite fields
Garzilli, Immacolata
A numerical investigation on the asymptotic behavior of two delays Volterra discrete equations
Gates, Dante
New approximations for the area of the Mandelbrot
Gaura, Alexander
The first digit of the discriminant of Eisenstein polynomials as an invariant of totally ramified extensions of p-adic fields
Gautam, Pete
On strong shift equivalence for row-finite graphs and C*-algebras
Gauthier, Landon
A tale of two circles: geometry of a class of quartic polynomials
Gavin, Colin
Orbigraphs: a graph theoretic analog to Riemannian orbifolds
Geiger, Eric
Euclidean and affine curve reconstruction
Geiges, Hansjörg
Geiser, Lauren
The number of fixed points of and-or networks with chain topology
Gelernt, Edward
A Cheeger inequality for graphs based on a reflection principle
Gelfert, Katrin
When winning sets have full dimension
Gélinas, Félix
Cones and ping-pong in three dimensions
Gemmer, John
Weak and strong solutions to the inverse-square brachistochrone problem on circular and annular domains
Genzlinger, Karenna
Sophie Germain primes and involutions of $\mathbb{Z}_n^\times$
George, Brandon
Patch and crossover planar dyadic wavelet sets
George, Craig
On the minimum of the mean-squared error in 2-means clustering
Georges, John
On the zero-sum group-magicness of cartesian products
Germick, Robert
Discrete time optimal control applied to pest control problems
Gethner, Ellen
How false is Kempe's proof of the Four Color Theorem? (Part II)
Getzen, Matt
On the cardinality of infinite symmetric groups
Ghang, Whan
The sharp log-Sobolev inequality on a compact interval
Ghosh Hajra, Sayonita
Spanning trees of descendants of a complete graph
Giambrone, Adam
Giampietro, Sofia
A $p$-adic approach to singular moduli on Shimura curves
Gibson, Samuel
Decompositions of even hypercubes into cycles whose length is a power of two
Giddings, Andrew
Arithmetic functions of higher order primes
Gil, Juan
Enumeration of symmetric arc diagrams
Gill, Kohl
A systematic development of Jeans' criterion with rotation for gravitational instabilities
Gill, Tracy
Optional unrelated-question randomized response models
Gillespie, Maria
Gillette, Andrew
Numerical studies of serendipity and tensor product elements for eigenvalue problems
Gilliand, Sarah
Gillman, Rick
An extention of Young's segregation game
Divisor concepts for mosaics of integers
Glass, Julie
Coalitions and cliques in the school choice problem
Glavin, Kerry
Glover, Rebecca
Automatic growth series for right-angled Coxeter groups
Glover, William
A BMO Theorem for diffeomorphisms on R^D of small distortion an application to piano signature noise and beat
Goad, Lucas
Orbit spaces of linear circle actions
Gobbert, Matthias
Linkages of calcium induced calcium release in a cardiomyocyte simulated by a system of seven coupled partial differential equations
Gockenbach, Mark
Newton's law of heating and the heat equation
Godbole, Anant
A decade of undergraduate research for all East Tennessee State University mathematics majors
Goddard, Jerome
Ecological systems, nonlinear boundary conditions, and $\Sigma$-shaped bifurcation curves
Goebeler, Thomas
Isometric composition operators acting on the Chebyshev space
Goldsmith, Jeff
Dynamical properties of the derivative of the Weierstrass elliptic function
Golenbiewski, Kyle
Cost-Conscious Voters in Referendum Elections
Gomes, Diogo
Existence of positive solutions for an approximation of stationary mean-field games
Gomez, Jonathan
Co-circular relative equilibria of four vortices
Gonda, Jessica
Arranging kings k-dependently on hexagonal chessboards
Gong, Feixue
Explicit bounds for the pseudospectra of various classes of matrices and operators
Gong, Yishu
Hitting time of Brownian motion subject to shear flow
Gonzalez, Danielle
Intersecting Geodesics and Centrality in Graphs
González, Mabel
Filtering cohomology of ordinary and Lagrangian Grassmannians
González, Oscar
Generalized exponential sums and the power of computers
On the tree cover number of a graph
Goodchild, Sam
Local well-posedness of a nonlocal Burgers equation
Goodrich, Austin
New methods to find patches of invisible integer lattice points
Goren, Nurullah
Goryl, Kyle
Properties of RNA secondary structure matching models
Gotshall, Daniel
Patterns in variations of the Fibonacci sequence
Gottlieb, Eric
Some results on LCTR, an impartial game on partitions
Gould, Ronald
Gourley, Alexia
Grady, Ryan
Continued fractions and lines across the Stern-Brocot diagram
Grant, Parker
Structural properties of group power digraphs
Graves, Paige
Squarefree divisor complexes of certain numerical semigroup elements
Gray, Daniel
Patterns in colored circular permutations
Greco, Abby
Numerical semigroup tree of multiplicities four and five
Greeson, Daniel
Descents and des-Wilf equivalence of permutations avoiding certain non-classical patterns
Gregg, Danielle
Family sizes for complete multipartite graphs
Gregory, Adam
Edge-Transitive Graphs and Combinatorial Designs
Grider, Rebecca
Convergence of the maximum zeros of a class of Fibonacci-type polynomials
Griffin, Danielle
Tile based modeling of DNA self-assembly for two graph families with appended paths
Grigorchuk, Rostislav
The rank gradient and the Lamplighter Group
Grimm, Christopher
Weak and strong solutions to the inverse-square brachistochrone problem on circular and annular domains
Grindatti, Sean
Griswold, Sean
Strong topological transitivity, hypermixing, and their relationships with other dynamical properties
Gross, Craig
Numerical studies of serendipity and tensor product elements for eigenvalue problems
Grossmann, Kathryn
Extremal hypergraphs for the Erdos-Selfridge theorem using labelings of binary trees
Grosso, Angelina
Multicast triangular semilattice network
Gruet, Andrew
Congruence properties of $S$-partition functions
Grundmeier, Dusty
Properties of certain sparse circulant determinants
Guerra, Lauren
Betti numbers of order preserving graph homomorphisms
Guidotti, Thomas
Some generalizations of the ASR search algorithm for quasi-twisted codes
Guillen-Villalobos, Aaron
On some properties of the solution set of one of Wilker's inequalities for complex numbers
Gunderson, Ellie
Efficiency in symmetric $2 \times 2$ games
Gunderson, Ryan
Depths and Stanley depths of path ideals of spines
Guo, Chuya
Bounds for Fibonacci period growth
Guo, Huizheng
Pairs of disjoint matchings and related classes of graphs
Gupta, Paras
Solutions of periodic boundary value problems
Gupta, Sat
A Binary Unrelated Question RRT Model Accounting for Untruthful Responding
An optional unrelated question RRT model
Optional unrelated-question randomized response models
Variations of the Greenberg unrelated question binary model
Gupta, Vinay
New conditions for graph Hamiltonicity
Gutierrez, Alexander
Co-circular relative equilibria of four vortices
Gutierrez, Awildo
Bounding the even abelian composition factors in finite linear groups
Gwaltney, Ethan
On a Theorem of Besicovitch and a Problem in Ergodic Theory