Volume 17 Number 2
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Volume 17
Issue 2, 183–362
Issue 1, 1–182

Volume 16, 5 issues

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Volume 14, 5 issues

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Volume 12, 8 issues

Volume 11, 5 issues

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ISSN (electronic): 1944-4184
ISSN (print): 1944-4176
Author index
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Author Index – M
Ma, Grace
Convex geometries representable by at most 5 circles on the plane
Ma, Xuanlong
Finite groups with some weakly $s$-permutably embedded and weakly $s$-supplemented subgroups
Maas-Gariépy, Florence
Set-valued domino tableaux and shifted set-valued domino tableaux
Mabe, Madison
Monodromy groups of Dessins d’Enfant on rational triangular billiards surfaces
MacGillivray, Gary
Integer solutions to x^2 + y^2 = z^2 - k for a fixed integer value k
Macías Medina, Siegfried
A two-step conditionally bounded numerical integrator to approximate some traveling-wave solutions of a diffusion-reaction equation
Macías-Díaz, Jorge
A two-step conditionally bounded numerical integrator to approximate some traveling-wave solutions of a diffusion-reaction equation
On some properties of the solution set of one of Wilker's inequalities for complex numbers
Mackall, Eoin
Six variations on a theme: almost planar graphs
MacKinnon, Benjamin
Automorphism groups of half cubes
Madden, Erin
Upper and lower bounds on the speed of a one dimensional excited random walk
Mader, Gregory
A simple agent-based model of malaria transmission investigating intervention methods and acquired immunity
Magallon, Gilbert
Reidemeister moves in Gauss diagrams
Mahlum, Austin
Generalized factorization in Z/mZ
Mahoney, Dax
Binary frames, graphs and erasures
Mahoney, Michael
Orbit spaces of linear circle actions
Mai, William
Decline of pollinators and attractiveness of the plants
Major, Samantha
Continuous dependence and differentiating solutions of a second order boundary value problem with average value condition
Malek, Fereshteh
An interesting proof of the nonexistence of a continuous bijection between $\mathbb{R}^n$ and $\mathbb{R}^2$ for $n\neq 2$
Manage, Ananda
Statistical analysis of diagnostic accuracy with applications to cricket
Manganiello, Felice
Multicast triangular semilattice network
Manning, Robert
Ineffective perturbations in a planar elastica
Manns, Steven
On a series of Ramanujan, dilogarithm values, and solitons
Manny, Lakshman
A look at generalized perfect shuffles
Manternach, Kathryn
Path cover number, maximum nullity, and zero forcing number of oriented graphs and other simple digraphs
Mantzavinos, Dionyssios
The linear Lugiato-Lefever equation with forcing and nonzero periodic or nonperiodic boundary conditions
Marafino, John
Applications of full coverings in Real Analysis
Marcott, Cameron
Differentiation properties of the perimeter to area ratio for finitely many overlapped unit squares
Marcum, Chloe'
Positive expansions of extended Schur functions in the Young quasisymmetric Schur basis
Margevicius, Renee
The influence of education in reducing the HIV epidemic
Mariano, Phanuel
The financial value of knowing the distribution of stock prices in discrete market models
Marinov, Miroslav
Realizing Artin-Schreier covers with minimal a-numbers in positive characteristic
Marshall, James
Critical points of iterates of quadratic functions
Marshall, Nicholas
A Cheeger inequality for graphs based on a reflection principle
Martin, Ashley
Positive solutions to singular third-order boundary value problems on purely discrete time scales
Martin, Joshua
Martin, Kimball
Rank bias for elliptic curves mod p
Martin, Wesley
Quasi-positive curvature on a biquotient of Sp(3)
Martin, Zane
The sharp log-Sobolev inequality on a compact interval
Martin-Hagemeyer, Rory
On the faithfulness of the representation of Gl(n) on the space of curvature tensors
Martinez, Michael
Zero-divisor ideals and realizable zero-divisor graphs
Martínez-Pedroza, Eduardo
Finiteness of homological filling functions
Martinez-Rivera, Xavier
Constructions of potentially eventually positive sign patterns with reducible positive part
Potentially eventually exponentially positive sign patterns
Maslak, Susan
Shabat polynomials and monodromy groups of trees uniquely determined by ramification type
Mason, Sarah
A graph theoretical approach to solving Scramble Squares puzzles
Matos, Luis
A countable space with an uncountable fundamental group
Matos, Rodrigo
Spectrum of the Laplacian on radial graphs
Matthews, Gretchen
Failed power domination in grids, cylinders, and tori
Mattman, Thomas
Family sizes for complete multipartite graphs
Graphs on 21 edges that are not 2-apex
Six variations on a theme: almost planar graphs
Mauro, David
On the zero-sum group-magicness of cartesian products
Mavi, Rajinder
Universal Grobner bases of toric ideals of combinatorial neural codes
Mavrakis, Leslie
Unoriented Links and the Jones Polynomial
Maxin, Daniel
A logistic two-sex model with mate-finding Allee effect
Vertical transmission in epidemic models of sexually transmitted diseases with isolation from reproduction
May, Russell
Mayfield, Kyanne
The kernel of the matrix i\cdot j mod n when n is prime
Mbirika, aBa
New methods to find patches of invisible integer lattice points
McAvoy, Sean
Edge determining sets and determining index
McBee, Cayla
Information for faculty new to undergraduate research
McCarthy, Dermot
Orbits of finite field hypergeometric functions and complete subgraphs of generalized Paley graphs
McCarthy, Hanah
McCleary, Alexander
McCoy, Stephen
Qualitative investigation of cytolytic and noncytolytic immune response in a HBV model
McCune, David
The role of graduate students in research experience for undergraduates programs
McDaniel, Michael
Alhazen's hyperbolic billiard problem
Mcentarrfer, Alex
A r^p-weighted local energy approach to global existence for null form semilinear wave equations
McGauvran, Brian
Studying the Impacts of Changing Climate on the Finger Lakes Wine Industry
McGillivray, Marjorie
Colourability of graphs representing the Lucas series modulo $t$
McGinnis, Andrew
A generalization of the matrix transpose map and its relationship to the twist of the polynomial ring by an automorphism
McGoff, Kevin
McGrath, Peter
Two-point functions and constant mean curvature surfaces in $\mathbb{R}^3$
McGregor, Duncan
Combinatorial Proofs of Zeckendorf Representations of Fibonacci and Lucas Products
McGuffey, Elizabeth
A new go-to sampler for Bayesian probit regression
Mcharo, Solomon
Sets in $\mathbb{R}^d$ determining $k$ taxicab distances
McHugh, Joshua
Distribution of genome rearrangement distance under double cut and join
McKenry Jr., Charles
Nonreal zero decreasing operators related to orthogonal polynomials
McKinnie, Kelly
McLaney, Jacob
What is odd about binary Parseval frames?
McLaughlin, Emelia
The Frobenius number of a family of numerical semigroups of embedding dimension five
McLeman, Cameron
Mixing times for the Rook's walk via path coupling
McLoud-Mann, Jennifer
Stick numbers in the simple hexagonal lattice
McMahon, Elise
Stick numbers in the simple hexagonal lattice
McMillan, Audra
Total Positivity of a Shuffle Matrix
McMillan, Matthew
Generalizations of Pappus' centroid theorem via Stokes' theorem
On symplectic capacities of toric domains
McMorris, David
A modified wavelet method for identifying transient features in time signals with applications to bean beetle maturation
McNamara, Kristin
Intrinsically triple-linked graphs in RP^3
McNew, Nathan
Efficient realization of nonzero spectra by polynomial matrices
McTavish, Aaron
On the orbits of an orthogonal group action
Meador, Clyde
Stability properties of a predictor-corrector implementation of an implicit linear multistep method
Meagher, Karen
An Erd\H{o}s--Ko--Rado theorem for subset partitions
Medici, Daniel
New examples of Brunnian theta graphs
Medina, Herbert
A new series for $\pi$ via polynomial approximations to arctangent
Medina, Luis
Generalized exponential sums and the power of computers
Medynets, Kostya
Toeplitz subshifts with trivial centralizers and positive entropy
Meehan, Emily
Ribbonlength of families of folded ribbon knots
Meehan, Sean
Ordering graphs in a normalized singular value measure
Meekins, Everett
Two-point functions and constant mean curvature surfaces in $\mathbb{R}^3$
Meemark, Yotsanan
A Combinatorial Proof of Decomposition Property of Reduced Residue Systems
Antiderivatives and linear differential equations using matrix
Mehta, Aneesh
Energy Minimizing Unit Vector Fields
Mei, May
Numbers and the heights of their happiness
Melamed, Gabrielle
Shabat polynomials and monodromy groups of trees uniquely determined by ramification type
Melcher, Lauren
Melikechi, Omar
Hitting time of Brownian motion subject to shear flow
Mellem, Bjorn
Differentiation properties of the perimeter to area ratio for finitely many overlapped unit squares
Melo, Patrick
A generalization of a theorem about gapsets with depth at most three
Melton, Kristen
On the Hadwiger number of Kneser graphs and their random subgraphs
Melvin, Sara
Stick numbers in the simple hexagonal lattice
Méndez Villamil, Leonardo
Filtering cohomology of ordinary and Lagrangian Grassmannians
Mendoza, Arazelle
Meng, Delong
Boolean elements in the Bruhat order on twisted involutions
Menke, Rebecca
The nonexistence of cubic Legendre multiplier sequences
Mentis, Alexander
How false is Kempe's proof of the Four Color Theorem? (Part II)
Merberg, Adam
Divisibility of class numbers of imaginary quadratic function fields
Mercurio, Paula
Universal Grobner bases of toric ideals of combinatorial neural codes
Messina, Eleonora
A numerical investigation on the asymptotic behavior of two delays Volterra discrete equations
Metcalfe, Jason
A local energy estimate for 2-dimensional Dirichlet wave equations
A r^p-weighted local energy approach to global existence for null form semilinear wave equations
Meyer, McKinley
Maximization of the size of monic orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle corresponding to the measures in the Steklov class
Meyer, Stefanie
Construction and Enumeration of Franklin Circles
Meyerson, Olivia
Explicit bounds for the pseudospectra of various classes of matrices and operators
Meza, Erika
A new series for $\pi$ via polynomial approximations to arctangent
The chromatic polynomials of signed Petersen graphs
Meza, Jeremy
Explicit bounds for the pseudospectra of various classes of matrices and operators
Mezera, Gregory
Embedding groups into distributive subsets of the monoid of binary operations
Michala, Jonathan
Wave-packet propagation in a finite topological insulator and the spectral localizer index
Michel, Gregory
Domino tilings of Aztec diamonds, Baxter permutations, and Snow Leopard permutations
Mihalcea, Leonardo
Combinatorial curve neighborhoods for the affine flag manifold of type $A_1^1$
Quantum Schubert polynomials for the G_2 flag manifold
Miklós, István
Proving the pressing game conjecture on linear graphs
Miles, Nicole
Milićević, Djordje
Effective moments of Dirichlet L-functions in Galois orbits
Milinovich, Micah
Euler's formula for the zeta function at the positive even integers
Miller, Steven
A generalization of Zeckendorf's theorem via circumscribed m-gons
Benford's Law Beyond Independence: Tracking Benford Behavior in Copula Models
The Weibull distribution and Benford's law
Milligan, Thomas
The multiplicity of solutions for a system of second order differential equations
Mills, Janet
Maximal subgroups of the semigroup of partial symmetries of a regular polygon
Milner, Paul
An exploration of ideal-divisor graphs
Milstead, Jonathan
Minemyer, Barry
Synthetic geometry in hyperbolic simplices
Mingyang, Ma
Filtering cohomology of ordinary and Lagrangian Grassmannians
Minor, Mary
A simple agent-based model of malaria transmission investigating intervention methods and acquired immunity
Miranda, Hector
Edge-Transitive Graphs and Combinatorial Designs
Mitchell, Lon
A new look at Apollonian circle packings
Induced trees, minimum semidefinite rank, and zero forcing
Mitchell, Zachary
Trapping light rays aperiodically with mirrors
Mitropolsky, Dan
Mixco, James
Nonunique factorization over quotients of PIDs
Mizuhara, Matthew
On groups with a class-preserving outer automorphism
Mo, Zhengda
Pairs of disjoint matchings and related classes of graphs
Moan, Emili
Combinatorics of linked systems of quartet trees
Moats, Lisa
Cost-Conscious Voters in Referendum Elections
Mochan, Ericka
Coexistence of stable ECM solutions in the Lang-Kobayashi system
Moffatt, Iain
On the ribbon graphs of links in real projective space
Moghadam, Safoora
On $\mathbb{G}$-graphs of certain finite groups
Mohammadkhani, Leili
Mohammed, Ahmed
Harnack's Inequality for Second Order Linear Ordinary Differential Inequalities
Mojsilović, Jelena
Learning a performance metric of Buchberger’s algorithm
Molinek, Donna
Affine hyperbolic toral automorphisms
Monasterio, Juan
Existence of positive solutions for an approximation of stationary mean-field games
Mondin, Lauren
Statistical analysis of diagnostic accuracy with applications to cricket
Monks, Keenan
On Supersingular Elliptic Curves and Hypergeometric Functions
Montenegro, José Fabio
Spectrum of the Laplacian on radial graphs
Montes de Oca, Gabriel
Orbigraphs: a graph theoretic analog to Riemannian orbifolds
Moon, Kyra
The Steiner problem on the regular tetrahedron
Mooney, Christopher
Generalized factorization in Z/mZ
Moore, Alexander
On counting limited outdegree grid digraphs and greatest increase grid digraphs
Moore, Jessica
Moore, Terri
Invariant polynomials and minimal zero sequences
Morales, Adriana
Arranging kings k-dependently on hexagonal chessboards
Moran, Megan
Moree, Pieter
The family of ternary cyclotomic polynomials with one free prime
Moreno, Rosa
Matrix Completions for Linear Matrix Equations
Morey, Susan
Depths and Stanley depths of path ideals of spines
Morgan, Emma
Lifting representations of finite reductive groups: a character relation
Morgan, Frank
The Gauss-Bonnet Formula on Surfaces with Densities
Morison, Matthew
On the preservation of properties by piecewise affine maps of locally compact groups
Morris, Kirsten
Matrix Completions for Linear Matrix Equations
Morris, Quinn
Analysis of steady states for classes of reaction-diffusion equations with hump-shaped density dependent dispersal on the boundary
Morrison, Laura
Integer solutions to x^2 + y^2 = z^2 - k for a fixed integer value k
Morrison, Ralph
Prism graphs in tropical plane curves
Morrow, Jackson
On the least prime congruent to 1 modulo $n$
Morse, Steven
Trace diagrams, signed graph colorings, and matrix minors
Moseley, Garrett
Zeros of complex random polynomials spanned by Bergman polynomials
Moslehian, Mohammad
Some numerical radius inequalities for Hilbert space operators
Mostovyi, Oleksii
Fair pricing and hedging under small perturbations of the numéraire on a finite probability space
Stability and asymptotic analysis of the Follmer-Schweizer decomposition on a finite probability space
Mota, Maria
Solving Scramble Squares puzzles with repetitions
Motakis, Pavlos
Continuous factorization of the identity matrix
Moulton, David
Groups of units of Zp[x] Modulo f(x)
Moy, Richard
Monodromy groups of Dessins d’Enfant on rational triangular billiards surfaces
Shabat polynomials and monodromy groups of trees uniquely determined by ramification type
Mudrock, Jeffrey
Bounding the list color function threshold from above
On the Integrality of the Coefficients in Linear Recurrence Sequences
Mueller, Carl
Uniqueness of a three-dimensional stochastic differential equation
Mueller, Marshall
Nonstandard existence proofs for reaction diffusion equations
Mukherjee, Antara
The geometry of some Fibonacci identities in the Hosoya triangle
Mukherjee, Sayan
Concerning three classes of non-Diophantine arithmetics
Müller, Theo
Realizing Artin-Schreier covers with minimal a-numbers in positive characteristic
Mummert, Philip
Munch, Elizabeth
Comparing embedded graphs using average branching distance
Munteanu, Cristian
Outer billiards and tilings of the hyperbolic plane
Mupasiri, Douglas
Spectral characterization for von Neumann's iterative algorithm in $\mathbb{R}^n$
Murphy, Jake
Murphy, Kaitlyn
Minimum rank, maximum nullity and zero forcing number for selected graph families
Murphy, Thomas
Quasi-Einstein metrics on sphere bundles
Murray, Carter
Leibniz algebras with low dimensional maximal lie quotients
Murugan, Mathav
Nonultrametric triangles in diametral additive metric spaces
Mutiso, Fedelis
Functions of internal distance of trees
Myers, Alex
Two families of hypercyclic non-convolution operators
Myers, Lance
Filtering cohomology of ordinary and Lagrangian Grassmannians
Myers, Sara
Orthogonality from group characters
Mynhardt, Christina
Integer solutions to x^2 + y^2 = z^2 - k for a fixed integer value k
On the $\varepsilon$-ascent chromatic index of complete graphs
Total Roman domination edge-critical graphs