Paat, Joseph
Pack, David
Surface area of equifacetal polytopes inscribed in the unit sphere $\mathbb{S}^2$
Pagano, Benjamin
Extremal hypergraphs for the Erdos-Selfridge theorem using labelings of binary trees
Pagliari, Giorgia
Existence of positive solutions for an approximation of stationary mean-field games
Paguyo, Kinapal
Realizing convex codes with axis-parallel boxes
Pai, Rohit
Convex geometries representable by at most 5 circles on the plane
Paixão, João
On the asymptotic behavior of unions of sets of lengths in atomic monoids
Pal, Nabendu
Zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) distribution: parameter estimation and applications to model data from natural calamities
Palladino, Frank
Difference inequalities, comparison tests, and some consequences
Palsson, Eyvindur
A generalization of Zeckendorf's theorem via circumscribed m-gons
Characterizing optimal point sets determining one distinct triangle
Pan, Qizhe
Normalized volumes of type-PQ adjacency polytopes for certain classes of graphs
Panescu, Priera
Symplectic embeddings of 4-dimensional ellipsoids into polydiscs
Panidapu, Apoorva
Short-interval sector problems for CM elliptic curves
Pantano, Alessandra
Institutional support for undergraduate research
Pap, Gyula
A note on asymptotic behavior of critical Galton-Watson processes with immigration
Paquette, Elliot
The index of a vector field on an orbifold with boundary
Parenteau, Johnna
Null vectors, Schur complements, and Parter vertices
Parisi, Francis
A Statistical Study of Extreme Nor'easter Snowstorms
Park, Andrew
On prime labelings of Fibonacci trees
Park, Jeongbin
Metrics on permutations with the same peak set
Parker, Aaron
Irreducible Character Restrictions to Maximal Subgroups Of Low-Rank Classical Groups of Type B and C
Parker, Darren
A group labeling version of the lights out game
Parker, Zachary
A series of series topologies on $\mathbb{N}$
Parks, Ryan
A Binary Unrelated Question RRT Model Accounting for Untruthful Responding
Parnoff, Ellise
Ramanujan's congruence primes
Parrish, Jesse
New conditions for graph Hamiltonicity
Parrow, Connor
Parsons, Christopher
On the number of pairwise touching simplices
Partin, Caleb
Upper bounds for totally symmetric sets
Pascu, Iuliana
The Multi-Dimensional Frobenius Problem
Pasley, Lillian
On commutators of matrices over unital rings
Passaro, John
Average reductions between random tree pairs
Patel, Dhruv
The pigeonhole principle and multicolor Ramsey numbers
Patel, Nikita
Failed power domination in grids, cylinders, and tori
Patel, Teerth
Periodic points and tail lengths of split polynomial maps modulo primes
Pathakjee, David
Elliptic curves, eta-quotients and hypergeometric functions
Patrias, Rebecca
Coincidences among skew stable and dual stable Grothendieck polynomials
Set-valued domino tableaux and shifted set-valued domino tableaux
Patterson, Aidan
A local normal form for Hamiltonian actions of compact semisimple Poisson-Lie groups
Patton, Linda
Symmetric numerical ranges of four by four matrices
Paugh, Hannah
A generalization of Zeckendorf's theorem via circumscribed m-gons
Paulhus, Jennifer
Jacobian varieties of Hurwitz curves with automorphism group PSL(2,q)
Pauli, Sebastian
On the zeros of $\zeta(s)-c$
The first digit of the discriminant of Eisenstein polynomials as an invariant of totally ramified extensions of p-adic fields
Paulsen, Chelsey
Depths and Stanley depths of path ideals of spines
Pavelescu, Andrei
Complete minors in complements of non-separating planar graphs
Simple graphs of order 12 and minimum degree 6 contain K_6 minors
Pavlov, Ronald
A characterization of the sets of periods within shifts of finite type
Payne, Catherine
Analysis of steady states for classes of reaction-diffusion equations with hump-shaped density dependent dispersal on the boundary
Pearse, Erin
Condensed Ricci curvature of complete and strongly regular graphs
Pearson, Paul
A modified wavelet method for identifying transient features in time signals with applications to bean beetle maturation
Pechenik, Oliver
Zero-divisor ideals and realizable zero-divisor graphs
Peck, Hailee
An exploration of ideal-divisor graphs
Peckham, Duncan
Bounding the even abelian composition factors in finite linear groups
Pedroza, Dianne
Matrix Completions for Linear Matrix Equations
Peercy, Bradford
Linkages of calcium induced calcium release in a cardiomyocyte simulated by a system of seven coupled partial differential equations
Peifer, Dylan
Learning a performance metric of Buchberger’s algorithm
Presentations of Roger and Yang's Kauffman bracket arc algebras
Peiffer, Amanda
Pelayo, Roberto
Co-circular relative equilibria of four vortices
Peña, Andrew
Galois action and cyclic defect groups for Sp_6(2^a)
Peng, Junwen
New normal forms for degree three polynomials and rational functions
Pereira, Joel
A classification of Klein links as torus links
Klein links and related torus links
Perez, Esther
Energy Minimizing Unit Vector Fields
Perez, Jessica
On the coefficients in an asymptotic expansion of $(1+1/x)^x$
Perez, Stephanie
Persistence: a digit problem.
Perez-Lavin, Darleen
Peak Sets of Classical Coxeter Groups
Perkins, Tony
Convex and subharmonic functions on graphs
Perkins, Virginia
On counting limited outdegree grid digraphs and greatest increase grid digraphs
Perpetua, Byron
Completions of reduced local rings with prescribed minimal prime ideals
Peskin, Laura
An asymptotic for the representation of integers as sums of triangular numbers
Peters, Emily
Combinatorial random knots
Peters, Travis
Minimum rank, maximum nullity and zero forcing number for selected graph families
Path cover number, maximum nullity, and zero forcing number of oriented graphs and other simple digraphs
Peterson, Aaron
On uniform large-scale volume growth for the Carnot-Carathéodory metric on unbounded model hypersurfaces in $\mathbb{C}^2$
Peterson, Chris
The Genus Level of a Group
Peterson, Elisha
Trace diagrams, signed graph colorings, and matrix minors
Peterson, Jonathon
Upper and lower bounds on the speed of a one dimensional excited random walk
Peterson, Kaitlyn
Ineffective perturbations in a planar elastica
Petrosino, Anthony
Counting profile strings from rectangular tilings
Petrović, Sonja
Learning a performance metric of Buchberger’s algorithm
Pfaff, Thomas
Studying the Impacts of Changing Climate on the Finger Lakes Wine Industry
Pham, Jonathan
Shabat polynomials and monodromy groups of trees uniquely determined by ramification type
Phan, Thanh Nhan
Quasi-Einstein metrics on sphere bundles
Pharis, Thomas
Rank bias for elliptic curves mod p
Phillips, Lo
Sets in $\mathbb{R}^d$ determining $k$ taxicab distances
Phinezy, Bryan
On closed modular colorings of rooted trees
Piccirilli, Marco
Existence of positive solutions for an approximation of stationary mean-field games
Pierce, Mike
Six variations on a theme: almost planar graphs
Pierron, Théo
Rings of invariants for the three dimensional modular representations of elementary abelian $p$-groups of rank four
Pierson, Alexander
Wave-packet propagation in a finite topological insulator and the spectral localizer index
Pinckney, Casey
The $h$-vectors of PS ear-decomposable graphs
Pineda, Angel
Academic year undergraduate research: the CURM model
Piotrowski, Andrzej
Nonreal zero decreasing operators related to orthogonal polynomials
Parity of polynomial multiplier sequences for the Chebyshev basis
Pitman, Sarah
3F2-Hypergeometric functions and supersingular elliptic curves
Pitney, Erin
Clique-relaxed graph coloring
Plackowski, Ken
Numerical studies of serendipity and tensor product elements for eigenvalue problems
Plotnick, Esther
Spectral distortion and the ring learning with errors problem
Pluta, Timothy
Trading cookies in a gambler's ruin scenario
Poet, Jeffrey
On counting limited outdegree grid digraphs and greatest increase grid digraphs
Poggi-Corradini, Pietro
Effective resistance on graphs and the epidemic quasimetric
Pohland, Kelly
Some nonsimple modules for centralizer algebras of the symmetric group
Poirier, Nathan
Alhazen's hyperbolic billiard problem
Politano, Andrea
Knots in the canonical book representation of complete graphs
Polley, Michaela
The 334-triangle graph of SL_3(Z)
Polstra, Thomas
Depths and Stanley depths of path ideals of spines
Pomerance, Carl
The average order of elements in the multiplicative group of a finite field
Pompilus, Sophia
Zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) distribution: parameter estimation and applications to model data from natural calamities
Ponce, Scarlitte
A generalization of Eulerian numbers via rook placements
Ponomarenko, Vadim
Applying iterated mapping to the no-three-in-a-line problem
Bifurcus semigroups and rings
Distinct Solution to a Linear Congruence
Eigenvalues of the sum and product of anticommuting matrices
Fibonacci Nim and a full characterization of winning moves
Invariant polynomials and minimal zero sequences
Numerical Semigroups from Open Intervals
On the monotonicity of the number of positive entries in nonnegative five element matrix powers
Squarefree divisor complexes of certain numerical semigroup elements
The elliptical case of an odds inversion problem
The Multi-Dimensional Frobenius Problem
Pons, Matthew
Spectrum of a composition operator with automorphic symbol
Poole, Emily
Weak Allee Effect, Grazing, and S-Shaped Bifurcation Curves
Poon, Edward
Nested Frobenius extensions of graded superrings
Popescu, Tudor
Filtering cohomology of ordinary and Lagrangian Grassmannians
Porat, Zachary
Family sizes for complete multipartite graphs
Poskanzer, Henry
New ordering methods to construct contagious sets and degenerate subgraphs
Potash, Eric
An asymptotic for the representation of integers as sums of triangular numbers
Pothagoni, Shrunal
Cohen-Macaulay test ideals over rings of finite and countable Cohen-Macaulay type
Potter, Ashley
Isometric composition operators acting on the Chebyshev space
Powell, Jeffrey
The H-Linked Degree-Sum Parameter For Special Graph Families
Power, Brianne
On the Chermak-Delgado lattices of split metacyclic p-groups
Powers, Keenan
Hitting time of Brownian motion subject to shear flow
Pozdnyakov, Alexey
Fair pricing and hedging under small perturbations of the numéraire on a finite probability space
Pozzi, James
A note on the associated primes of the third power of the cover ideal
Prasad, Rohil
Coincidences among skew stable and dual stable Grothendieck polynomials
Pratapsi, Sagar
Existence of positive solutions for an approximation of stationary mean-field games
Prawzinsky, Hannah
Prime vertex labelings of several families of graphs
Prazeres, Mariana
Existence of positive solutions for an approximation of stationary mean-field games
Preen, James
Colourability of graphs representing the Lucas series modulo $t$
Preston, Briahna
Prime vertex labelings of several families of graphs
Price, Amethyst
The Supersingularity of Hurwitz Curves
Prier, David
New results on an anti-Waring problem
Pries, Rachel
Realizing Artin-Schreier covers with minimal a-numbers in positive characteristic
The Supersingularity of Hurwitz Curves
Prinyasart, Thanakorn
A Combinatorial Proof of Decomposition Property of Reduced Residue Systems
Pritchard, Christopher
An exploration of Nathanson's $g$-adic representations of integers
Pritikin, Daniel
Arranging kings k-dependently on hexagonal chessboards
Pryor, Frank
Galois action and cyclic defect groups for Sp_6(2^a)
Przytycki, Józef
Gram determinant of planar curves
Puckett, Walter
On the omega values of generators of embedding dimension-three numerical monoids generated by an interval
Pudwell, Lara
Pattern avoidance in double lists
The role of graduate students in research experience for undergraduates programs
Purdy, Jordan
Extending hypothesis testing with persistence homology to three or more groups
Purin, Marju
Truncated path algebras and Betti numbers of polynomial growth
Putnam, Alex
Classifying linear operators over the octonions