Volume 17 Number 2
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Volume 17
Issue 2, 183–362
Issue 1, 1–182

Volume 16, 5 issues

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Volume 11, 5 issues

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ISSN (electronic): 1944-4184
ISSN (print): 1944-4176
Author index
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Author Index – S
Saavedra, Daniel
The failed zero forcing number of a graph
Safsten, Clarke
A variational approach to a generalized elastica problem
Sahay, Rahul
Curves of constant curvature and torsion in the 3-sphere
Sahoo, Swadesh
Interpolation on Gauss hypergeometric functions with an application
Salas, Michelle
Mathematical modeling of integrin dynamics in initial formation of focal adhesions
Salerno, Adriana
Higher dimensional origami constructions
Salmon, Sarah
Factorization of Temperley–Lieb diagrams
Salvadore Sabio, John
On the monotonicity of the number of positive entries in nonnegative five element matrix powers
Samalis, Robert
The kernel of the matrix i\cdot j mod n when n is prime
Sampson, Donald
Proof of the Planar Double Bubble Conjecture using Metacalibration Methods
Soap Film Realization of Isoperimetric Surfaces with Boundary
Sanchez, Anthony
Invariant measures for hybrid stochastic systems
Sanders, Stacey
Construction and Enumeration of Franklin Circles
Sandow, Taylor
Connectedness of two-sided group digraphs and graphs
Sanford, Chris
The lifting of graphs to 3-uniform hypergraphs and some applications to hypergraph Ramsey theory
Santos Cruz, Luis Elesban
Power values of the product of the Euler function and sum of Divisors function
Sarapin, Roman
Local solubility for a family of quadrics over a split quadric surface
Šarčević, Franjo
Low stages of the Taylor tower for r-immersions
Sarch, Raviv
Convex geometries representable by at most 5 circles on the plane
Sardarli, Mariya
Maximization of the size of monic orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle corresponding to the measures in the Steklov class
Sargent, Tara
Sargsyan, Maria
Existence of positive solutions for an approximation of stationary mean-field games
Sárközy, Gábor
New ordering methods to construct contagious sets and degenerate subgraphs
Sarra, Scott
Stability properties of a predictor-corrector implementation of an implicit linear multistep method
Sathish, Indika
Linear dependency for the difference in exponential regression
Savage, Alistair
Nested Frobenius extensions of graded superrings
Savioli, Stephen
Scanlan, McKenzie
Properties of RNA secondary structure matching models
Schaefer, Elsa
Investigating cholera using an SIR model with age-class structure and optimal control
Schaefer, Jennifer
On the structure of symmetric spaces of semidihedral groups
The classification of involutions and symmetric spaces of modular groups
Schaeffer Fry, Amanda
Galois action and cyclic defect groups for Sp_6(2^a)
Irreducible Character Restrictions to Maximal Subgroups Of Low-Rank Classical Groups of Type B and C
Schafhauser, Christopher
Maximality of the Bernstein polynomials
Schaubroeck, Lisbeth
Generalized Cantor Functions: Random Function Iteration
Scheepers, Marion
Using ciliate operations to construct chromosome phylogenies
Schembor, Alissa
Counting profile strings from rectangular tilings
Scherich, Nancy
A simplification of grid equivalence
Large 1-systems of curves in non-orientable surfaces
Schlechtweg, Kathryn
On the structure of symmetric spaces of semidihedral groups
Schlesinger, Alexander
Minimizing closed geodesics on polygons and disks
Rigidity of Ulam sets and sequences
Schlicker, Steven
Fibonacci sequences and the space of compact plane sets
Pythagorean orthogonality of compact sets
Schluchter, Steven
Prime labelings of generalized Petersen graphs
Schmidt, Stefano
The cyclic graph (deleted enhanced power graph) of a direct product
Schmidt, Sydney
Rhombic planform nonlinear stability analysis of an ion-sputtering evolution equation
Schmidtke, Kristin
Newton's law of heating and the heat equation
Schmitt, Aaron
When is $a^{n} + 1$ the sum of two squares?
Schmurr, Jason
Monodromy groups of Dessins d’Enfant on rational triangular billiards surfaces
Schneider, Lisa
Conjecture O holds for some horospherical varieties of Picard rank 1
Schneier, Michael
Numerical integration of rational bubble functions with multiple singularities
Schopick, Zoe
Spectral properties of the exponential distance matrix
Schreiner, Bridget
Low stages of the Taylor tower for r-immersions
Schrock, Jonathan
Colorability and determinants of T(m,n,r,s) twisted torus knots for n equiv pm 1 (mod m)
Schroeder, Justin
Prime labelings of generalized Petersen graphs
Schuette, Geoffrey
Stick numbers in the simple hexagonal lattice
Schuetz, Alison
Polygonal Dissections and Reversions of Series
Schwanke, Christopher
Schwartz, Jeremy
Permutation Notations for the exceptional Weyl Group $F_4$
Schwartz, Nathaniel
Jacobson's Refinement of Engel's Theorem for Leibniz Algebras
Scott, Geoffrey
The coefficients of the Ihara zeta function
Scott, Louis
Nonreal zero decreasing operators related to orthogonal polynomials
Scott, Richard
Automatic growth series for right-angled Coxeter groups
Scoville, Nicholas
Discrete Morse functions, vector fields, and homological sequences on trees
Seaborn, Joseph
Seabrook, Kaitlyn
Continuous dependence and differentiating solutions of a second order boundary value problem with average value condition
Seaton, Christopher
An orbit Cartan type decomposition of the inertia space of $\mathrm{SO}(2m)$ acting on $\mathbb R^{2m}$
Extensions of the Euler--Satake characteristic for nonorientable $3$-orbifolds and indistinguishable examples
The index of a vector field on an orbifold with boundary
Seda-Damiani, Carlos
The variable exponent Bernoulli differential equation
Sedberry, Trevor
Equidissections of kite-shaped quadrilaterals
Seeger, Benjamin
On the Size of the Resonant Set for the Products of 2x2 Matrices
Seelbach, Charley
Positive symmetric solutions of a second-order difference equation
Sehorn, William
Seibert, Jim
On the sandpile group of Eulerian series-parallel graphs
Seitz, Amanda
Construction and Enumeration of Franklin Circles
Selstad, Louis
Eigenvalues of the sum and product of anticommuting matrices
Sendova, Tsvetanka
Modeling of breast cancer through evolutionary game theory
Seneci, Tommaso
Existence of positive solutions for an approximation of stationary mean-field games
Seneviratne, Padmapani
Senkoff, Evan
Servatius, Brigitte
Papers, posters, and presentations as outlets for undergraduate research
Setniker, Ariel
The complement of Fermat curves in the plane
Seto, Shoo
Explicit lower bound of the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian on Kahler manifolds
Sgouralis, Ioannis
Global sensitivity analysis in a mathematical model of the renal insterstitium
Shabazi, Nicole
The Isoperimetric constant and Kazhdan constant of a Paley graph
Shacklette, Sienna
Shah, Anand
Energy Minimizing Unit Vector Fields
Shah, Deepak
Sign pattern matrices that allow inertia $\mathbb{S}_{n}$
Shah, Niralee
Perimeter-minimizing pentagonal tilings
Shaheen, Anthony
The Isoperimetric constant and Kazhdan constant of a Paley graph
Shaikh, Armiya
Some generalizations of the ASR search algorithm for quasi-twisted codes
Shane, David
Toward a Nordhaus-Gaddum Inequality for the Number of Dominating Sets
Shank, Nathan
The $k$-diameter component edge connectivity parameter
Shank, Robert
Rings of invariants for the three dimensional modular representations of elementary abelian $p$-groups of rank four
Shao, Sijing
Invariant measures for hybrid stochastic systems
Sharma, Anika
Leverage centrality of knight's graphs and Cartesian products of regular graphs and path powers
Sharp, Robert
Shatley, Timothy
Investigating root multiplicities in the indefinite Kac--Moody algebra $E_{10}$
Shaw, Jeffrey
Induced subgraphs of Johnson graphs
Shelly, Thomas
Maximal subgroups of the semigroup of partial symmetries of a regular polygon
Shen, Dawei
The adjacency spectra of some families of minimally connected prime graphs
Sheng, Daniel
On the consistency of finite difference approximations of the Black-Scholes equation on nonuniform grids
Shepherd, Danielle
Braid computations for the crossing number of Klein links
Sheppard, William
Enumerating diagonalizable matrices over Z_p^k
Sherman, Alex
Maximization of the size of monic orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle corresponding to the measures in the Steklov class
Shero, Gina
The Steiner problem on the regular tetrahedron
Sherwin, Tim
Sums of quaternion squares and a theorem of Watson
Sheydvasser, Arseniy
Rigidity of Ulam sets and sequences
Shifler, Ryan
Conjecture O holds for some horospherical varieties of Picard rank 1
On the spectral properties of the quantum cohomology of odd quadrics
Shill, Christopher
Shillor, Meir
Analysis of the steady states of a mathematical model for Chagas disease
Shin, Paul
Bounding the list color function threshold from above
Shine, Alana
The chromatic polynomials of signed Petersen graphs
Shinners, Madeline
Coincidences among skew stable and dual stable Grothendieck polynomials
Shiri, Aminreza
The left-greedy Lie algebra basis and star graphs
Shiu, Anne
Mixed volume of small reaction networks
Neural codes with three maximal codewords: Convexity and minimal embedding dimension
Shneidman, Julia
Large 1-systems of curves in non-orientable surfaces
Shour, Katy
On the omega values of generators of embedding dimension-three numerical monoids generated by an interval
Shrontz, John
Shterenberg, Joshua
Parity of polynomial multiplier sequences for the Chebyshev basis
Shull, Adam
Vertical transmission in epidemic models of sexually transmitted diseases with isolation from reproduction
Zero-divisor ideals and realizable zero-divisor graphs
Shuman, Laura
Analysis of the steady states of a mathematical model for Chagas disease
Siddique, Maryam
Spanning trees of descendants of a complete graph
Siegel, Leon
Comparing a series to an integral
Siehler, Jacob
Slide-and-swap permutation groups
Sigmon, Patrick
Fibonacci sequences and the space of compact plane sets
Sihm, Jeong
An optional unrelated question RRT model
Simanyi, John
Hyperbolic construction of Cantor sets
Simmons, Scott
A new go-to sampler for Bayesian probit regression
Simon, Carlee
The nonexistence of cubic Legendre multiplier sequences
Simon, Gregory
Trapping light rays aperiodically with mirrors
Sincavage, Victoria
Ecological systems, nonlinear boundary conditions, and $\Sigma$-shaped bifurcation curves
Singh, Anshuman
Zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) distribution: parameter estimation and applications to model data from natural calamities
Singh, Sakshi
The pigeonhole principle and multicolor Ramsey numbers
Sittinger, Brian
Enumerating diagonalizable matrices over Z_p^k
Skabelund, Dane
Diameter, girth and cut vertices of the graph of equivalence classes of zero-divisors
Skalak, Michael
Zero-divisor ideals and realizable zero-divisor graphs
Slyman, Katherine
Arranging kings k-dependently on hexagonal chessboards
Smallwood, Hilary
Zero-divisor ideals and realizable zero-divisor graphs
Smith, Barry
New algorithms for modular inversion and representation by the form x2 + 3xy + y2
Smith, Corbin
Modeling of breast cancer through evolutionary game theory
Smith, Eric
Binary frames with prescribed dot products and frame operator
Smith, Garrett
Connectedness of two-sided group digraphs and graphs
Smith, Hanson
Monogenic fields arising from trinomials
Smith, Jacob
Upper and lower bounds on the speed of a one dimensional excited random walk
Smith, Joseph
Braid computations for the crossing number of Klein links
Smith, Shelly
Analysis of a Sudoku variation using partially ordered sets and equivalence relations
Smith-Polderman, Sarah
Braid computations for the crossing number of Klein links
Smyth, Clifford
Snively, Emma
Contributions to Seymour's Second Neighborhood Conjecture
Snoeyink, Sarah
Visual representation of the Riemann map and Ahlfors map via the Kerzman-Stein equation
Sobieska, Aleksandra
Splitting techniques and Betti numbers of secant powers
Sofia, Dilruba
Mixed volume of small reaction networks
Solazzo, James
Undergraduate research as a capstone requirement
Soleimaninia, Mahsa
A Pexider difference associated to a Pexider quartic functional equation in topological vector spaces
Solus, Liam
A Topological Generalization of Partition Regularity
Solymosi, József
The number of rational points of hyperelliptic curves over subsets of finite fields
Somerstep, Seamus
Boundary expression for Chern classes of the Hodge bundle on spaces of cyclic covers
The Supersingularity of Hurwitz Curves
Song, Chao
Pairs of disjoint matchings and related classes of graphs
Song, Chuliang
Existence of positive solutions for an approximation of stationary mean-field games
Song, Lang
Monochromatic diameter two components in edge colorings of the complete graph
Sopena, Gustavo
Peg solitaire in three colors on graphs
Soprunova, Evgenia
Sordo Vieira, Luis
Perimeter-minimizing pentagonal tilings
Sorrells, Jessica
Tile based modeling of DNA self-assembly for two graph families with appended paths
Soto, Roberto
Peg solitaire in three colors on graphs
Soucy, Étienne
Cones and ping-pong in three dimensions
Spagnuolo, Anna
Analysis of the steady states of a mathematical model for Chagas disease
Spagnuolo, Dylan
On the zero-sum group-magicness of cartesian products
Speranza, Emily
Invariant measures for hybrid stochastic systems
Spinner, Clare
Neural codes with three maximal codewords: Convexity and minimal embedding dimension
Spiroff, Sandra
Five point zero divisor graphs determined by equivalence classes of zero divisors
The tropical semiring in higher dimensions
Sprague-Williams, Faye
Rank disequilibrium in multiple-criteria evaluation schemes
Springfield, Mason
Orbits of finite field hypergeometric functions and complete subgraphs of generalized Paley graphs
Sriwongsa, Songpon
Antiderivatives and linear differential equations using matrix
Stagg, Kristen
Jacobson's Refinement of Engel's Theorem for Leibniz Algebras
Stamm, Emily
When is $a^{n} + 1$ the sum of two squares?
Stan, Aurel
Log-concavity of Holder means and an application to geometric inequalities
Stange, Katherine
Monogenic fields arising from trinomials
Stangl, Kevin
Upper and lower bounds on the speed of a one dimensional excited random walk
Stanhope, Elizabeth
Orbigraphs: a graph theoretic analog to Riemannian orbifolds
Stanley, Jack
Applying prospect theory to multi-attribute problems with independence assumptions
Stark, Emily
Intrinsically triple-linked graphs in RP^3
Stein, Noah
Total difference labeling of regular infinite graphs
Steinburg, Neil
Soap Film Realization of Isoperimetric Surfaces with Boundary
Steinerberger, Stefan
Finding structure in sequences of real numbers via graph theory: a problem list
Stephenson, Brittany
Weak Allee Effect, Grazing, and S-Shaped Bifurcation Curves
Stephenson, Darin
Lights out for graphs related to one another by constructions
Steward, Michael
Numerical semigroup tree of multiplicities four and five
Stewart, Sam
Orbigraphs: a graph theoretic analog to Riemannian orbifolds
Stickles, Joe
An exploration of ideal-divisor graphs
Zero-divisor ideals and realizable zero-divisor graphs
Stiegler, Cole
Differentiation properties of the perimeter to area ratio for finitely many overlapped unit squares
Stoiciu, Mihai
Explicit bounds for the pseudospectra of various classes of matrices and operators
Stokke, Ross
On the preservation of properties by piecewise affine maps of locally compact groups
Storm, Christopher
The coefficients of the Ihara zeta function
Striuli, Janet
A note on the associated primes of the third power of the cover ideal
Strömberg, Johanna
On the ribbon graphs of links in real projective space
Strosnider, Erin
Stroud, John
Rings whose subrings have an identity
Strub, Bryan
A classification of Klein links as torus links
Stuckey, Robert
Characterizing optimal point sets determining one distinct triangle
Stulov, Konstantin
An elementary inequality about the Mahler measure
Styer, Robert
Suarez, David
Variations of the Greenberg unrelated question binary model
Suaysom, Natchanon
Sparse neural codes and convexity
Suer, Charlie
Sugar Moore, Jesse
Geometric properties of Shapiro-Rudin polynomials
Sukarto, Eunice
Filtering cohomology of ordinary and Lagrangian Grassmannians
Sultani, Nawaz
Reeb dynamics of the link of the $A_n$ singularity
Sun, Jeffrey
The Truncated and Supplemented Pascal Matrix and Applications
Sun, Xingping
Convergence of random polygon sequences
Convergence of sequences of polygons
Sun, Yifei
Multiscale Adaptively Weighted Least Squares Finite Element Methods for Convection Dominated PDEs
Sutter, Matthew
Mixing times for the Rook's walk via path coupling
Swanson, Nicolas
A lower bound on the failed zero forcing number of a graph
Swartz, Drew
Zero-divisor ideals and realizable zero-divisor graphs
Swartz, Eric
On the covering number of S_{14}
Swartzentruber, Ryan
Pythagorean orthogonality of compact sets
Swisher, Holly
Eta-quotients of prime or semiprime level and elliptic curves
Sykes, David
Optimal aggression in kleptoparasitic interactions
Sykes, Kyle
The zipper foldings of the diamond
Szabo, Daniel
Monochromatic diameter two components in edge colorings of the complete graph
Szabo, Steve
A partial classification of local rings of order $p^6$
The monochromatic column problem with a prime number of colors
Szabó, Szilárd
Normal forms of endomorphism-valued power series
Szaniszlo, Zsuzsanna
Challenges in promoting undergraduate research in the mathematical sciences
Szczesny, Maciej
Split Grothendieck rings of rooted trees and skew shapes via monoid representations