Standard perfect shuffles involve splitting a deck of
into two stacks and interlacing the cards from the stacks. There are two
ways that this interlacing can be done, commonly referred to as an in shuffle
and an out shuffle, respectively. In 1983, Diaconis, Graham, and Kantor
determined the permutation group generated by in and out shuffles on a deck of
cards for
Diaconis et al. concluded their work by asking whether similar results hold for
so-called generalized perfect shuffles. For these shuffles, we split a deck of
stacks and similarly interlace the cards with an in
-shuffle or out
-shuffle, respectively.
In this paper, we find the structure of the group generated by these two shuffles for a deck of
cards, together
-shuffles, for all
possible values of
and .
The group structure is completely determined by
and the
parity of
In particular, the group structure is independent of the value of
I must complain the cards are ill
shuffled till I have a good hand. — Jonathan Swift
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