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We define a rational invariant
associated to singular moduli of discriminants
on the genus-zero Shimura curves of discriminant
An algorithm is devised to compute this invariant
using the Cerednik–Drinfeld uniformization of Shimura curves, following the
approach described in the thesis of I. Negrini (2017). A formula for the factorization
of this invariant is proposed, similar to the formula of Gross and Zagier for differences
of classical singular moduli.
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singular moduli on Shimura curves, $p$-adic uniformization
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 14G35
Secondary: 11G15, 11G18
Supplementary material
Received: 16 August 2021
Revised: 1 November 2021
Accepted: 4 November 2021
Published: 29 July 2022
Communicated by Amanda Folsom