Fiona Abney-McPeek, Hugo Berg, Jeremy Booher, Sun Mee
Choi, Viktor Fukala, Miroslav Marinov, Theo Müller, Paweł
Narkiewicz, Rachel Pries, Nancy Xu and Andrew Yuan
is a smooth projective connected curve defined over an algebraically closed field of
a finite, possibly empty, set of points. Booher and Cais determined a lower bound for the
-number of
-cover of
with branch
. For
odd primes
in most cases it is not known if this lower bound is realized. In this note, when
is ordinary,
we use formal patching to reduce that question to a computational question about
-numbers of
-covers of the affine line.
As an application, when
, for any
ordinary curve
and any choice of
we prove that the lower bound is realized for Artin–Schreier covers of
with branch
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